



editorial; progressão temática; linguística sistêmico-funcional


In the editorial genre, conjunctions can play an essential role in argumentation. However, in its organization, other cohesive strategies also fulfill the function of linking the statements and providing guidance to the meaning of the text. This work explores how the thematic progression occurs in such a journalistic genre considering it a basic language expression unit. For this, it relies on the foundations of Functional Systemic Grammar (HALLIDAY, 1994) to identify the role of the thematic structure in the cohesive process. Thus, it intends not only to collaborate in the expansion of Systemic-Functional Linguistics knowledge but also in the development of Portuguese language teaching.


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How to Cite

de Vasconcelos Picanço, I. (2022). EDITORIAL GENRE AND YOUR PROGRESSION: A THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL APPROACH TO SYSTEMIC-FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS. EntreLetras, 13(1), 538–561. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft2179-3948.2022v13n1p538-561