



Testimony, Memory, Theory of the novel, Sepharad, Antonio Muñoz Molina


Testimony is evident trend in contemporary memory writing. The novel Sefarad (2001) by the Spanish Antonio Muñoz Molina (1956) is a fiction narrative produced from the transposition of oral testimonies heard by the writer in interviews and fortuitous conversations, from intertextuality with written testimonies (letters, diaries, memories, autobiographies, testimonies). Based on the analysis of this novel, this article aimed to show the presence of the testimony in the making of the contemporary memory novel, mainly in two key aspects: in the presence of “witnesses-characters” and in the ethical posture of the writers who are configured as “witness-auctor” (AGAMBEN, 2008).


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How to Cite

de Souza, A. P. (2023). TESTIMONY AS A TREND IN CONTEMPORARY MEMORY NOVEL WRITING . EntreLetras, 14(2), 7–22. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft2179-3948.2023v14n2p7-22



Dossiê - Testemunhos do presente: vínculos entre ética e estética