
  • Renata Rocha Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Goiás




memorial transmission, testimony, objects, María Teresa Andruetto, lengua madre


This paper aims to investigate, in the novel Lengua madre (2010), by María Teresa Andruetto, the presence of objects that function as representations of memory that relate both to the protagonist’s individuality and to the collectivity in which she is inserted. Our reading hypothesis is that the objects in the novel are possibilities of a literary narrative with a testimonial content. The objects and the silence around a cutout of the argentine dictatorship are the bases on which our discussion is built, whose objective is to analyze such elements as transmitters of memory, as well as a narrative strategy capable of presenting subjectivities, affectivities, and socio-historical discourses. The critical-theoretical foundation is composed by Dalcastagnè (2018), Pubill (2009a; 2009b), Vázquez (2013), Sánchez (2019), among others.


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How to Cite

Rocha Ribeiro, R. (2023). A SEARCH FOR TRACES: INSILIO, TESTIMONY AND OBJECTS OF TRANSMISSION IN LENGUA MADRE, BY MARÍA TERESA ANDRUETTO. EntreLetras, 14(2), 68–90. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft2179-3948.2023v14n2p68-90



Dossiê - Testemunhos do presente: vínculos entre ética e estética