A conquest of the rural populations
: Social Movements, Fight. Earth, Alternation School, TocantinsAbstract
In this work, we analyze agrarian conflicts in the micro-region of Bico do Papagaio in the state of Tocantins, seeking to understand aspects of the historical trajectory of the Agricultural Family School of the Bico do Papagaio Padre Josimo (AFSBIP) in Esperantina-TO. We emphasize the importance and the role of Father Josimo Moraes Tavares in the face of the struggle for land and in defense of the rural populations in the Bico do Papagaio. It is a bibliographic research of documentary nature, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The bibliographic sources of the study consist of thesis, dissertations, books and articles. Among the documents analyzed, there is the 2019 Political-Pedagogical Project of EFABIP, which provides information on the historical context of the creation of the school, and pedagogical organization. Thus, we raise many questions and reflections regarding the conflicts and the difficulties faced by the subjects in Bico do Papagaio, in addition to helping us to understand how much people suffered from the confrontations (directly and indirectly) in this micro-region of the state of Tocantins. As a result of the research, it is relevant to highlight that, with the creation of EFABIP, the rural people in a certain way begin to feel themselves subjects of history, since the school meets a large part of their specificities and provides the hope that new schools work in the perspective of Pedagogy of Alternation aiming at the integral formation of men and women in the countryside.
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