agroecology, Territory, Productive BackyardsAbstract
The various forms of resistance materialize in different spaces from the relationship between society and nature, in this context the agroecological processes in urban environments emerge as a process of r-existence from the territorial aspect, thus, the importance was sought as the main theme. of agroecology as a tool for socio-environmental development in peripheral areas, aimed to analyze the productive backyards of the Ilha de Caratateua, located 25Km from the urban center of the city of Belém, capital of the state of Pará, under the bases of agroecology. The research methodology initially consisted of a bibliographical survey on the geoenvironmental characteristics of the island, and a field survey of territorialities, dynamics, structure and function of productive backyards. From the research results, productive backyards were understood as a territorial typology of agroecological experience in urban areas of paramount importance for the construction of other territories and territorialities, geographies and landscapes capable of contributing to Food Sovereignty, People's Autonomy, Right to City and promotion of decolonial discourses.
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