
  • Maria do Socorro Mesquita da Silva Nunes Federal University of Northern Tocantins
  • Eliseu Pereira de Brito Federal University of Northern Tocantins



Cultural Diversity, Native Parties, Cultural Legacy, Native Peoples of Tocantins


We sought to build an approach to native peoples and their festivals through a theoretical review and experiences with native peoples. Its histories, cuisines and festivals were understood as a cultural heritage, discussed as a possible cultural legacy. As a way to carry out the research, the paths followed were a qualitative investigation built with readings that enabled the understanding of the native people and a description of experiences in the villages through fieldwork. The main aim sought in the methodological paths was to describe the richness of native festivals and their role in the expression of Tocantins' cultural diversity, so rich and at the same time, still little known and studied. The debate around native causes, which has been denied by authorities, and their value for the cultural legacy of Tocantins is one of the main contributions of this essay. 

Author Biographies

Maria do Socorro Mesquita da Silva Nunes, Federal University of Northern Tocantins

Servant of the State Public Network - SEDUC, carried out since 2004. She is currently Professor of Basic Education at Francisco Maximo de Sousa State School since 2010. Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Tocantins (1998). Post-Graduate Degree in Technologies in Education at PUC-RIO (2010). She has experience in the field of Geography, with an emphasis on Population Geography. Student of the Spanish Language at the Language Center - DREA, and student of the Tourism Management Course at UFT.

Eliseu Pereira de Brito, Federal University of Northern Tocantins

He has a Bachelor's Degree in Geography and a Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Tocantins. He holds a Masters in Geography from the Federal University of Grande Dourados. PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Goiás. Leader of the Research Group GEGATO - Geographical Studies Group of the Amazon and Tocantins, Researcher at the Center for Urban, Agrarian and Regional Studies - NURBA/UFT. He develops research on the territorial formation of North Goiano / State of Tocantins. He is currently Adjunct Professor of the Geography Course at the Federal University of Tocantins-Campus de Araguaína


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How to Cite

NUNES, Maria do Socorro Mesquita da Silva; BRITO, Eliseu Pereira de. IT’S A PARTY IN THE VILLAGE: LIVE THE TOCANTINESE CULTURAL TRADITION. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 22, p. 240–253, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v10n22p240-253. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.

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