A dialogue with Professor Altair Sales at the II Integrated Cerrado Week




Cerrado, Biogeostructure, Agrarian capitalism, March to the West


This text aims to discuss the territorial configurations of the Brazilian Cerrado throughout the 20th century from the perspective of socio-spatial formation in the context of the capitalist mode of production and its resulting regional division of labor. Nevertheless, it dares to interact this condition of method with the perspective of the social production of space. Elaborated to dialogue with the archaeologist Altair Sales Barbosa at the opening table of the II Integrated Cerrado Week – “Cerrado: Knowledge, Uses and Abuses”, the Cerrado is approached, understanding it as a biogeographic structure affected by the expansion of agrarian capitalism. The text also addresses the dynamics of the capitalist frontier over the center-north of the country in the 21st century and presents a synthetic understanding of this process as the March to the West in five acts.

Author Biography

Adão Francisco de Oliveira, Federal University of Tocantins

Doctor in Geography (IESA/UFG, 2011) and Post-Doctor in Geography by the same institute (2021). Master in Sociology (DCS/UFG, 2002). Graduated in History (FCHF/UFG. 1996). He is the current president of ANPEGE - National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Geography. He was Secretary of Education, Youth and Sports of Tocantins in 2015 and 2016, having accumulated the position of Secretary of State for Culture of Tocantins. Appointed by Ordinance No. 66 of the Presidency of the Republic, of 12/01/2022, as a member of the Federal Government Transition Team (2023-2026) and by Decree No. 5,148 of the Government of Tocantins, of 11/14/2014, as a member of the State Government Transition Team (2015-2018). He is Professor of the Graduation and Post-Graduation Program in Geography at UFT in Porto Nacional. He coordinated the Graduate Program in Geography at UFT in 2014-2015 and in 2021-2022. At UFT, he was Research Director (2012), Institutional Relations Advisor to the Rectory from June 2012 to August 2014 and also Acting Chief of Staff. He was a professor at Unitins (April 2008 to July 2010), where he held the positions of Director of Institutional Research and Graduate Advisor. In Goiás, he was a professor at UEG between 2000 and 2007. He is a corresponding member of the IHGG - Historical and Geographical Institute of Goiás. He has experience in the areas of Urban and Regional Geography and Urban Sociology, working mainly in the areas of Territory Planning and Management and Education Development. He is a researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology (INCT) Observatório das Metrópoles - Goiânia nucleus since 2002; member of the Study and Research Group Space, Subject and Existence "Dona Alzira" and coordinator of OPTE - Observatory of Territorial and Educational Policies.



How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Adão Francisco de. THE CERRADO AND THE WALKERS ABOUT THE UNCERATED SPACE: A dialogue with Professor Altair Sales at the II Integrated Cerrado Week. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 25, p. 286–294, 2022. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v11i25.15349. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.