


Caryocar coriaceum Wittm, Pequi, Oral Health, Antimicrobial activity


Microbial resistance to antimicrobials has been a growing threat to the effective treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria and fungi; the reduced sensitivity of antibacterials and antifungals is making it difficult for many patients to treat. Pequi, in addition to cooking, is used for therapeutic purposes as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial in combating emergencies. However, little is known about the antimicrobial effects of its pulp and its phytochemical composition. The present work aimed to investigate the antimicrobial action of the ethanolic extract of the pulp of C. coriaceum Wittm. against two bacterial and one fungal strains of interest to oral health. The extract of the fruit of C. coriaceum was administered by experiment using a Soxhlet extractor and the antimicrobial activity was evaluated by the disk-agar diffusion technique on Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes and Candida albicans. Yeast C. albicans was inhibited at the highest concentration, 25.2 mg. mL-1 of extract, with the average of halos being 10 mm; for the bacterium E. faecalis, the concentration level was verified at concentrations of 25.2 and 2.52 mg. mL-1 with halos of 8 and 6 mm, respectively. The results verified that the ethanolic extract of the C. coriaceum pulp presents indicative of antifungal and antibacterial activity. Further studies are suggested regarding its potential antimicrobial effect.

Author Biographies

José Fiel de Oliveira Filho, ULBRA PALMAS

Dentist graduated from the University of Guarulhos (UNG). Specialist in Family and Community Health in Residence Modality - Multidisciplinary - Federal University of Tocantins - UFT. Specialist in Applied Microbiology by the University Center of Anapolis-Unievangélica. Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied to Health. ULBRA-Canoas, RS. Experience in Teaching, working mainly in the following subjects: Dental Prosthesis and Biology. He currently works at the Dental Clinic CEULP-ULBRA

Dione Silva Correa, ULBRA/CANOAS

He holds a degree in Industrial Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1989), a Master's degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1993) and a PhD in Materials Engineering, with emphasis on Organic Synthesis, from the Federal University of Rio Grande of the South (1999). She worked as a substitute professor at the Institute of Chemistry at UFRGS, teaching Organic Chemistry classes in two periods of one year each. He is currently a collaborating professor in research projects at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and an adjunct professor with a doctorate at the Lutheran University of Brazil. Acted as coordinator of the Chemistry course at ULBRA from Mar/2002 to Dec/2010. She served at the Regional Council of Chemistry 5th region as a counselor from 2008 to 2011. She has experience in the area of ​​Chemistry, with emphasis on Organic Analysis and Synthesis, working mainly on the following topics: glycerol, fatty acids, acylglycerides, alkanolamides, fluorescent compounds by proton transfer intramolecular and fluorescent copolymers. High Performance Liquid Chromatography in the study of chemical, biological and toxicological properties of plant species. Activities are centered on the chemistry course and the Graduate Program in Genetics and Applied Toxicology and the Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology Applied to Health (PPGBioSaúde). Technical responsibility at the Product and Development Research Center, where he is part of the collegiate management.

José Gerley Díaz Castro, Federal University of Tocantins

He holds a degree in Animal Science - Universidad de La Amazonia (1989), a degree in Social Work from the Universidade Norte do Paraná (2015), a degree in Nutrition from the Universidade Cesumar, a master's degree in Biology of Freshwater and Inland Fishing from the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia ( 1994) and a PhD in Biology (Ecology) from the National Institute of Amazonian Research (1999). Full Professor at the Federal University of Tocantins. It works in a multi and interdisciplinary way in the areas of environment and health.

Edilma Fiel Barbosa, ITOP/UNITOP

Graduated in Nursing and Midwifery from the University of Guarulhos (1992), Master's Degree in Health Sciences from the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (2007) and Doctorate in Health Sciences from the Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (2017). She is currently a Nurse at the Coordinating Blood Center in Palmas/TO (2020) and Coordinator of the ITOP/UNITOP Nursing Course (2021)

Domiciana Santana Parente, Federal University of Tocantins

Bachelor of Nursing - Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos ITPAC/PORTO NACIONAL (2010). Graduated in Biological Sciences from the Lutheran University Center of Palmas CEULP/ULBRA (2005). Specialist in Nursing and Occupational Health ITOP/PALMAS (2011). Specialist in Epidemiology IPTSP - Institute of Tropical Public Health Pathology - UFG/Goiânia - GO (2012). Specialist in Nursing Management UNIFESP - Federal University of São Paulo - SP (2014). Nurse, Technician at the Epidemiology Center of CEREST/REGIONAL - Municipal Health Department of Palmas (2012). and On-site Tutor at Anhaguera University/UNIDERP (2012). Currently, she is the Reference Technical Coordinator of a Community Health Center in Palmas-TO and has been teaching at the ITOP Faculty since 2013 for Technical Courses and graduation in nursing.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA FILHO, José Fiel de; CORREA, Dione Silva; CASTRO, José Gerley Díaz; BARBOSA, Edilma Fiel; PARENTE, Domiciana Santana. ANTIMICROBIAL EVALUATION OF THE ETHANOL EXTRACT OF PEQUI PULP (Caryocar coriaceum Wittm.) AGAINST PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 27, p. 161–177, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v12i27.15734. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.

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