Learning to teach

a didactic experience in teaching Portuguese





Supervised internship, Letters-Portuguese Language, curricular requirements, Training, classroom


This report composes the curricular requirements of the Literature-Portuguese Language Course and presents a report on the learning acquired throughout the supervised internship. This is an intern’s vision of what she experienced at Escola Estadual Profa. Renilda Silva Morais, located in the city of Rondonópolis, MT. The internship is the first experience that the student in training has with his future place of work, being an essential stage for his training as a future professional. The possibility of observing a trained professional in practice allows us to learn about the classes in which we will intern and the best way to conduct classes when starting our teaching practice. The experience of the internship in practice allows you to make use of everything that was learned in undergraduate classes, as well as to acquire experiences not only in the classroom, but also to have contact with pedagogical planning and the functioning of the school, making it essential for professional training as a teacher.

Author Biographies

Ana Claudia Reis Bittencourt, CUR/UFMT

Postgraduate in Specialized Educational Assistance and Psychomotricity from the FAVENI Institution. Graduated in Library Science from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). Undergraduate in Letters-Portuguese Language from the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR), I participated in the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Initiation to Teaching (PIBID) and the Pedagogy Residency linked to the Letters Course. I currently participate in the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Scientific Initiation (PIBIC) linked to the Geography Course.

Adinael Junhor Pereira da Trindade, UFR

He has a degree in History from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (2010). He is currently an administrative assistant/class d at the Federal University of Mato Grosso.


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How to Cite

BITTENCOURT, Ana Claudia Reis; TRINDADE, Adinael Junhor Pereira da. Learning to teach: a didactic experience in teaching Portuguese. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 31, p. 152–163, 2024. DOI: 10.70860/rtg.v13i31.19201. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufnt.edu.br/index.php/geografia/article/view/19201. Acesso em: 19 jan. 2025.

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