Territory, Power, Development, Geographic EpistemologyAbstract
The present work is the result of discussions held in the curricular component Space, Territory, Landscape and Region, attended by the authors in the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Ceará. The text focuses, therefore, on an epistemic discussion about the Territory, a concept with a long tradition in geographic science. Theoretical in nature, the research consisted of literature review and critical analysis on the concept of Territory, as well as taking studies on Power, understood as a fundamental notion for the understanding of Territory through spatialized social relations. The Territory is seen as a concept in motion, being a constituent part of the renewal of geographic thinking. In this perspective, it is understood that the discussion on the Territory is directly associated with contemporary issues regarding the organization and performance of the State, socio-spatial development and the planning of public policies. Despite the existence of a vast bibliography on the subject, the Territory still shows itself as a persistent theme, and its understanding is fundamental for those who are concerned with understanding the socio-spatial dynamics of the Brazilian territory.
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