


gender, sexuality, race, workshops, science teaching.


Currently, Brazil faces a conservative wave, expressed in actions such as the trivialization of the Mais Médicos Program; changes in mental health care policy; the dismantling of the fight against AIDS; prohibition of the term “obstetric violence”, etc. Added to this is the discrediting of science and the precariousness of the entire Brazilian educational system, supported by the movement and bill “Escola sem Partido”, which directly affects the discussion about race, gender and sexuality at school. Given this context, in this work, we present reflections resulting from the extension project, under development, "Communication, education and re-existences", at the NUTES Institute of Science and Health Education at UFRJ and at the Brant Horta Municipal School (EMBH). We seek to dialogue about Science and Health, using education/communication workshops as an opportunity for collective and permanent action, stimulating the construction of diverse narratives about being and being in the world. This work began in March 2019, with fortnightly meetings held at EMBH, encompassing a class of 25 students from Projeto Carioca II (Elementary School II).


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How to Cite

MENDONÇA MACHADO, Rebeca Patricia; ANA LÚCIA NUNES DE SOUSA; GISELE DOS SANTOS COSTA. COMMUNICATION WORKSHOPS IN THE DISCUSSION ABOUT GENDER, SEXUALITY AND RACE: AN EXPERIENCE REPORT: UM RELATO DE EXPERIÊNCIA . Interdisciplinary Journal in Science and Mathematics Education, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 336–351, 2022. DOI: 10.20873/riecim.v2i2.14811. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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