Influence of water activities on the functional balance of children with cerebral palsy


  • Helen Fogaça Universidade Paulista, Alphaville, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Priscilla Augusta Monteiro Ferronato Universidade Paulista, Alphaville, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Ricardo Muotri Universidade Paulista, Alphaville, São Paulo, Brazil



Cerebral palsy, Balance, Water Activities


Objective: the present study aims to investigate whether a program of aquatic activities interferes with the static and dynamic balance of children with cerebral palsy. Method: the investigation was carried out using the Berg Balance Scale, where the degree of static and dynamic balance of 20 students with cerebral palsy who practiced aquatic activities, aged between 5 and 20 years, was measured. The test was carried out in 2 moments (beginning and after 2 months of practice) at the non-profit association “Comunidade de Amor Rainha da Paz” - Sta Parnaíba - SP, in the morning. Results: descriptive analyzes identified that children with cerebral palsy who practice water activities seem to show an improvement in balance. Conclusion: this way children with cerebral palsy considered active and practicing water activities have less deficit of static and dynamic balance, which can contribute to the prevention of falls, improve posture, concentration, and socialization.


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How to Cite

Fogaça, H., Monteiro Ferronato, P. A., & Muotri, R. (2021). Influence of water activities on the functional balance of children with cerebral palsy. Brazilian Archives of Physical Education, 4(1), 134–146.

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