Vol. 7 (2024): Arquivos Brasileiros de Educação Física publicação contínua

					View Vol. 7 (2024): Arquivos Brasileiros de Educação Física publicação contínua

It is with great enthusiasm that we present the latest edition of the Brazilian Archives of Physical Education magazine, a prestigious academic publication in the field of sports sciences and physical education. Published by the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT), our magazine aims to foster the production and dissemination of relevant and innovative knowledge for professionals, researchers, and students in the field.

In this edition, available at this link, you will find a diverse selection of articles addressing contemporary and challenging topics in physical education and sports. The articles have been carefully reviewed by experts and cover a wide range of subjects, from teaching methodologies and pedagogical practices to advanced studies on athletic performance and physical health.

Our goal is to provide a platform for academic debate and research advancement, promoting the exchange of experiences and knowledge that can contribute to the development of physical education in Brazil and beyond. We believe that the diversity of perspectives and the quality of the contributions in this edition enrich the field and stimulate innovation and critical reflection.

We thank all authors, reviewers, and readers for their continued support and dedication to advancing scientific knowledge. We hope this edition inspires new ideas and collaborations and continues to be a valuable resource for the academic community.

We wish you all an enjoyable read!


The Editorial Team of the Brazilian Archives of Physical Education

Published: 2024-09-17

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