



gênero discursivo, notícia, sequência didática, escrita


ABSTRACT: In this article, we present the result of a pedagogical practice with the discursive genre News through a didactic sequence. The research was developed during the Master of the PROFLETRAS. The research was based on the theory of Discursive Gender proposed by Bakhtin (2011) and the application of the didactic sequence follow the proposal of Lopes Rossi (2002). This research of applied and interventionist nature proposed the development of activities that contributed to the production and rewriting, considering the situational context and its linguistic - discursive characteristic. After the intervention, we found that the participants had a significant advancement.


Key - words: Discursive genre; News; Following teaching; Written production.



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Author Biography

Cristiane Maria da Silva Santana, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

I am a teacher, I really like to study, because I believe that education is the right way to educate the citizen. I act as a literacy teacher in an initial class in Basic Education where I am effective. I like to study and always participate in continuous training to always improve my didactics. Graduated in Pedagogy, Portuguese Language Literature, with post in Sciences of the Language and Master in Letters. My area of ​​interest is Reading and Writing. I also act as a teacher of distance education in the area of ​​Literature


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How to Cite

da Silva Santana, C. M. (2019). A PRODUÇÃO ESCRITA A PARTIR DO GÊNERO DISCURSIVO NOTÍCIA POR MEIO DE SEQUÊNCIA DIDÁTICA. EntreLetras, 10(2), 428–443. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.2179-3948.2019v10n2p428