
  • Marcondes da Silveira Figueiredo Júnior Faculdade Católica Dom Orione
  • Plábio Marcos Martins Desidério Universidade Federal do Tocantins - Colegiado de História e PPGCULT



Filme Araguaia Campo Sagrado, Guerrilha do Araguaia, narrativas


From Araguaia: Campo Sagrado (2011), this article sought to carry out a hermeneutic of the narratives of the social actors - peasants - with the focus of the production of memory on the Araguaia Guerrilla. For the elaboration of the research, it was necessary to approach the memory worked by Le Goff (2011) and Pollak (1989) to have a perspective on the collective memory produced. Using the hermeneutics proposed by Gadamer (1999) sought to understand these narratives talks about the subjects present in the film, trying to understand them even in the contemporary perspective. He problematized the oppression of peasants and guerrillas in the region of Xambioá and settlements on the Araguaia River in Tocantins and Pará during the confrontation of the Araguaia Guerrilla. The memories then produced are fear, suffering and aversion to the regime installed at the time, as well as from the speeches of the social subjects interviewed, which are still traumas that have been experienced.


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Author Biography

Marcondes da Silveira Figueiredo Júnior, Faculdade Católica Dom Orione

Mestre em Estudos de Cultura e Território pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins e Professor da Faculdade Católica D. Orione – Araguaína (TO).


ARAGUAIA: Campo Sagrado. Direção: Evandro Medeiros. Produção: Labour Filmes. Direção: Evandro Medeiros. Roteiro: Paulo Fonteles Filho. (53min.). Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 fev. 2017.

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How to Cite

Figueiredo Júnior, M. da S. ., & Desidério, P. M. M. (2020). PRODUCTION OF THE MEMORY OF THE GUERRILLA DEL ARAGUAYA "DOCUMENTARY" ARAGUAIA: SACRED FIELD ". EntreLetras, 11(1), 636–658.