Logistics, load flows and modernization difficulties


  • Ronald dos Santos Pereira Federal University of Sergipe
  • Nelson Fernandes Felipe Junior Federal University of Latin American Integration



Port Sector, Logistics, Flows, Loads, Bottlenecks


Private ports and terminals are important “gates” for the entry and exit of goods in Brazilian territory, characterized by the existence of networks and flows in space. Maritime transport contributes to the circulation of products in the Brazilian territory (cabotage) and articulates Brazil with other countries (long haul), being important for networks, flows, spatial interactions and economic development. The aim of this article is to analyze the port sector in the state of Sergipe, with emphasis on imports and exports, modernization, intermodality and existing bottlenecks. The port dynamics in Sergipe, and especially in the Inácio Barbosa Maritime Terminal (TMIB), are less intense when compared to other ports and terminals in the Northeast and Brazil. The port and maritime sector is essential for economic development, but insufficient public and private investments and the liberal concession model harm Sergipe's economy. The port sector in this state lacks innovation and expansion, and has bottlenecks that jeopardize the internal multiplier effect, effective demand and the generation of jobs and income. The methodological procedures used are: bibliographical research related to the theme, field work to verify the existing infrastructure and bottlenecks, interviews with those responsible for different bodies and data collection. The Inácio Barbosa/SE Maritime Terminal has obsolete equipment that limits the growth and diversification of the goods handled. As a result, the terminal loses cargo to other more modern complexes in the Northeast region, such as Salvador/BA, Suape/PE and Pecém/CE. 

Author Biographies

Ronald dos Santos Pereira, Federal University of Sergipe

Graduated in Geography Bachelor (2016) from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), campus of São Cristóvão. It is part of the Center for Studies on Transport (NETRANS), located at the Federal University of Latin American Integration - UNILA/PR and of the Study Group on Regional Development and Infrastructure (GEDRI), located at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Master's student at the Postgraduate Program in Geography - PPGEO - at the Federal University of Sergipe.

Nelson Fernandes Felipe Junior, Federal University of Latin American Integration

Graduated in Geography (2005) (undergraduate and bachelor's degree) from Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT), Presidente Prudente campus. He holds a Masters (2008) and a PhD (2012) from the same institution, with a thesis on maritime transport and ports in Brazil. He has experience in Economic Geography, Circulation Geography, Transport and Logistics and Regional Development, working mainly on the following topics: transport, infrastructure, circulation, logistics and development. He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), Latin American Institute of Technology, Infrastructure and Territory (ILATIT), and at the Postgraduate Program in Contemporary Integration in Latin America (PPGICAL). Researcher at the Study Group on Regional Development and Infrastructure (GEDRI), at the Laboratory for Studies on Circulation, Transport and Logistics (LABCIT), at the Research Group on Flows: Border, Territory and Power, and coordinator of the Transport Study Group (NETRANS ).


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, Ronald dos Santos; FELIPE JUNIOR, Nelson Fernandes. THE PORT SECTOR OF THE STATE OF SERGIPE: Logistics, load flows and modernization difficulties. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 22, p. 91–114, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v10n22p91-114. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.