


Guamá, Heritage, Memory


This work aims to identify and analyze the importance of material and immaterial heritage and memory in the Guamá neighborhood. The Neighborhood is inserted in the context of the city as a peripheral place, however, it keeps riches and several histories of the periods that marked the expansion and modernization of the city of Belém. Its location is on the banks of the Guamá River, which has a very large role due to the unloading of products from the islands near Belém and inland. The neighborhood's culture is diversified through the pedreirinha passage, a place that houses groups from Carimbó, cordões juninos and a carnival school. For the work, theoretical references about memory and heritage were used. In addition, the application of questionnaires and the construction of a script for the neighborhood. In short, the activities that make up the itinerary become ways of provoking the authorities and the residents of the area for the preservation of the heritage.

Author Biographies

Jonathan Rodrigues Nunes, Federal University of Pará

Graduating from the Faculty of Degree in Geography (UFPA), he has a Bachelor's Degree in Tourism from the Federal University of Pará - UFPA (2018). He served as an extension and Scientific Initiation Scholarship PIBIC / CNPq at UFPA between 2014 and 2018. He currently works as a Geoturistic Route volunteer. With research in the field of Tourism, working mainly on the following topics: tourism, geography, environment, community-based tourism, leisure and heritage.

Maria Goretti da Costa Tavares, Federal University of Pará

Maria Goretti da Costa Tavares graduated with a Full Degree in Geography (1988) and a Bachelor of Laws (1987) from the Federal University of Pará. She completed the Specialization course in Specific Instrumentation for Geographical Analysis Applied to the Amazon (1989) at the Federal University of Pará. She completed a Masters in Geography (1992) and a Doctorate in Geography (1999) from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She held a Post-Doctorate in the area of ​​Tourism Geography at the MIT Laboratory (Mobilités, Itinéraires, Tourismes) at the Institute of Geography of the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris-France (2006-2007); and Post-Doctorate in the Graduate Program in Tourism at the Federal University of Paraná (2017 - 2018). Since 1991, she has been a professor at the Federal University of Pará, being a Full Professor at the Faculty of Geography and Cartography and at the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Pará, where she develops teaching, research, extension and academic guidance activities in undergraduate and graduate. She held the position of Coordinator of the undergraduate course in Geography at the Federal University of Pará for two terms (1991-1993 and 2000-2002) and of the Graduate Program in Geography (2004-2006) at the Federal University of Pará. She currently coordinates 1 research project and 1 extension project in the area of ​​Geography of Tourism and Heritage. She works in the area of ​​Geography, with emphasis on the lines of research: Tourism, Geography and Heritage; Tourism and Space Production in the Amazon; Community Based Tourism; Tourism Policies in the Amazon and Networks and Territory Organization in the Amazon. He is the leader of two Research groups registered with the CNPQ: a) Research Group: Geography of Tourism (GGEOTUR) - Tourism and Socio-Spatial Development in the Amazon and b) Research Group: Network of Tourism, Heritage and Public Policy Researchers at Pan -Amazon (TPP PAN-AMAZONIA); being also vice leader of the Research Group: Tourism in times of pandemic - a multi and trans-scalar geographical approach. He coordinates the Geo-Tourism Routes Extension Project, winner of the Rodrigo Melo Franco Award, IPHAN 2016, Heritage Education Action and received in April 2018 the Paulo Frota Human Rights Medal, awarded to non-governmental, non-profit, personalities and organizations. that stood out for actions, conducts or activities of promotion or defense of Human Rights in the State of Pará. Since January 2011, she has held chair number 24 (Engineer João de Palma Muniz) at the IHGP-Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Pará. Since January 2021, she has coordinated the Forum of Entities in Defense of Brazilian Cultural Heritage in the State of Pará. She is a CNPq-Level 2 Research Productivity Scholar.


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How to Cite

NUNES, Jonathan Rodrigues; TAVARES, Maria Goretti da Costa. GEO-TOURIST ROUTE: HERITAGE AND MEMORY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF GUAMÁ, BELÉM (PA). Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 24, p. 198–224, 2022. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v11n24p198-224. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.