Education, Teaching quality, Public Teaching Spaces, RondonópolisAbstract
Although access to education has been expanded over the last few decades, we can say that the quantitative increase did not necessarily represent an increase in the quality of education offered. In this sense, we chose as a theme to differentiate the public spaces of education in the city of Rondonópolis. With this objective, the research sought to verify the existence of a relationship between the quality of schools and their location in the urban space and for that, we established as specific objectives: to identify through official tools the most reputable and least reputable schools in the city of Rondonópolis- MT; to verify the geographical location of the researched educational establishments and to analyze the existence of a correlation between their spatial location and the quality of education and the infrastructure offered. The research was carried out in the city of Rondonópolis with the selected schools being all inserted in the urban fabric. In order to achieve the objectives, we carried out bibliographic and documental research. From the results pointed out in the research, there is a certain parity in terms of infrastructure between the selected schools, so that if infrastructure were the only variant, these schools should have the same school performance, suggesting that other factors h ave greater weight in the formation of the schools. grades measured by IDEB in the respective schools.
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