


Graduates study, Graduate graduates, Students – Evaluation, Educational Evaluation Graduate students


Aiming at improving the quality of teaching and research, the evaluation of teaching institutions is carried out by control and promotion bodies. In this context, one of the groups that requires attention is the graduates. The present study aimed to outline the profile of graduates from the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Uberlândia (PPGeo/UFU) and thus present instruments to assist in the evaluation of the programs, as well as to identify geographically and the area of professional bond of the graduates . To this end, a total of 711 graduates, graduated between 2000 and 2020, were analyzed. Data collection took place in the minutes of defenses, dissertations and theses, as well as in the curricula registered on the Lattes Platform. In addition to Brazilians, the training reached students from 6 other nationalities. The geographic scope of the graduates' professional ties includes 4 foreign countries, 21 states and 110 Brazilian cities. The UFU received more attention, being mentioned in 161 (23%) curricula as the graduate's professional institution. In turn, 57% reported carrying out teaching activities, evidencing the importance of PPGeo/UFU in this segment. It is hoped that this study will serve as an incentive for the systematic incorporation of graduates in the program's data set, expanding the scope of its evaluation, creating tools for the constitution of a database of the public surveyed here, which may also be this set of measures a reference for the area of Geography within the scope of Capes.

Author Biographies

Kelma de Souza, Federal University of Uberlandia

Librarian at the Library System of the Federal University of Uberlândia/MG since 2008-. PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Uberlândia/MG. Master in Environmental Sciences from Universidade Brasil (2017). Specialized in Library Science at Faculdades Integradas de Jacarepaguá (2009). Graduated in Librarianship and Documentation from the University of Formiga (1999). Has experience in the area of ​​Information Science, with emphasis on Librarianship, acting on the following subjects: Metric Studies of Information. Libraries – Acquisition service. Innovation management. Sustainable libraries. Environmental education. Geography.

Julio Cesar de Lima Ramires, Federal University of Uberlandia

Graduated in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1983), Master's in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-Institute of Geosciences (1991), Ph.D. in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo (1998). He completed a postdoctoral internship at the Fluminense Federal University. He is currently Full Professor of the Graduate Program in Geography at the Institute of Geography at the Federal University of Uberlândia. He has experience in the areas of Urban Geography and Health Geography, developing research on the following topics: dynamics of urban space and socio-spatial inequalities, metropolitan and non-metropolitan spaces, the city of Uberlândia, collective health, digital social networks and urban space.

Marlene Teresinha de Muno Colesanti, Federal University of Uberlandia

Graduated in Geography (1971) from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Catanduva, Masters (1985) and Doctorate (1995) in Geography from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Between 2001-2006 he served as a member of the State Board of Education. Since 2008, she has been a member of the State Council for Regional and Urban Development, and is currently a professor at the Institute of Geography at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Geography (PPGEO-UFU). Has experience in Geography, with emphasis on Education and Environment, working mainly on the following topics: Healthy Cities, Environmental Education, Urban Geography and Landscape Perception.


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How to Cite

SOUZA, Kelma de; RAMIRES, Julio Cesar de Lima; COLESANTI, Marlene Teresinha de Muno. AN EVALUATION OF GRADUATES OF THE GRADUATE PROGRAM IN GEOGRAPHY OF THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF UBERLÂNDIA:: CONTRIBUTIONS TO CAPES EVALUATION SYSTEMS. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 27, p. 256–276, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v12i27.15095. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.