


Post-Graduation in Geography, Geographical Education, Geography Teaching, Collaborative Networks


Due to the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Graduate Program in Geography (PPGG) at the Federal University of Tocantins, this article aims to present the path of creation and the developments that contributed to the consolidation of the research area in Geography Teaching in the PPGG. Based on a set of historical sources, academic production and research records, the aim is to explain the actions that resulted in the constitution of the line of research in Teaching Geography at the PPGG at UFT. The Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Tocantins was implemented in 2011 with two lines of research: "Geoenvironmental Analysis and Management" and "Geoterritorial Studies" and remained in this configuration until 2016. The change in research lines in the PPGG occurred in 2016 due to the demand that grew year after year for guidance in the area of teaching Geography. In 2017, the PPGG included the line of research “Teaching Geography” in the selection process, seeking to highlight Geography in the teaching dimension with space for reflection, research and debate on Geography in the context of school education, teacher training, the relationship between Geography and formal and non-formal education, the teaching-learning relationship in Geography, culture-art-memory-imaginary in Geography teaching, technologies and pedagogical practices, Geography teaching and Environmental Education, and geographic categories in the teaching-learning relationship . During these 6 years of training masters in the area of teaching Geography, the PPGG accounts for 15 defended dissertations (until April 2023) and 7 in progress.

Author Biography

Carolina Machado Rocha Busch Pereira, Federal University of Tocantins

Bachelor's at Geografia from Universidade Estadual de Londrina (2000), Master's at Geography from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2004) and Doctorate at Geography from Universidade de São Paulo (2013). She is currently coordinator of the Research Laboratory in Methodologies and Practices for Teaching Geography (LEGEO) at the Federal University of Tocantins. Seheis a member of the Center for Teaching and Research in Geographical Education (NEPEG) of the Federal University of Goiás, and of the Latin American Research Network in Geography Didactics (REDLADGEO). She is editor of the Revista Brasileira de Educação em Geografia and member of the advisory board and reviewer of other journals in the area. She has research in the areas of Teacher Training, Geographic Education, and Cultural Studies, in addition to being the author of research papers published in Geography journals.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, Carolina Machado Rocha Busch. CREACIÓN Y CONSOLIDACIÓN DE LA LÍNEA DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN DOCENCIA DE GEOGRAFÍA EN EL PROGRAMA DE POSGRADO EN GEOGRAFÍA DE LA UFT. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 28, p. 346–371, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v12i28.16496. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2024.