
  • Elizeu Ribeiro Lira Federal University of Tocantins




Krahô territory, Krahô villages, indigenous people


This work is a study based on the historical materiality of the facts, about the destruction of the territories of the Krahô indigenous nation. It is also part of a set of essays resulting from debates between students of the Master's in Geography at the Federal University of Tocantins (Porto Nacional Campus). In the quest to analyze the processes of violence against the Krahô Indians in the defense of their territory, it was found that the 1940 massacre represents the centrality of the issue. The social relations established between indigenous people and peasants were inferred from access to archives and bibliography on the subject, in addition to field work. The conflicting relations maintained between the Krahô and the Pastoral expansion front, with the consent of the State and the Church, resulted in the destruction of the traditional territory (cosmologically infinite) in the south of Maranhão, and in the demarcation of a new confined, finite and discontinuous territory. in the municipality of Itacajá, Northeast of the state of Tocantins.

Author Biography

Elizeu Ribeiro Lira, Federal University of Tocantins

PhD in Geography from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP. P.P.SP. (2004). Post Doctorate in Territorial Development by IPPUR/UFRJ.( 2016 ) Master in Geography by Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP. P.P.SP (1995). Specialist in Brazilian Education / Higher Education Methodology from the Federal University of Goiás UFG (1992) Graduated in Geography from the University Center of Brasília (1987) . Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Geography at the Federal University of Tocantins Porto Nacional Campus.(2011 to 2014) Coordinator of the Research Group NURBA/UFT/CNPq (Nucleus of Urban, Regional and Agrarian Studies). Director and member of the editorial board of the Printed Production Magazine (ISSN-1809-2756 and Academic Production Magazine II (online, 2448-2757); Journal of the USP Agrarian Geography Laboratory (ISSN -1808-1150); Territory Field ( 1809-6271); Geography native from Tocantins (2317-9430); He is currently Associate Professor III in the Geography Course at the Federal University of Tocantins Campus Porto Nacional -TO, Permanent Professor of the Master's Degree in Geography at UFT Campus Porto Nacional -TO Popular musician and literary critic He has experience in the area of human Geography, with emphasis on Agrarian, Urban, Regional and Territory Geography, working mainly on the following themes: the agrarian question, geography teaching, social movements in the countryside and in the city, territory and indigenous territories, city, production of urban space, and traditional communities


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How to Cite

LIRA, Elizeu Ribeiro. A TERRITORY MARKED BY VIOLENCE: THE 1940 MASSACRE AND THE TERRITORIAL RESISTANCE OF THE KRAHÔ INDIANS IN THE NORTHEAST OF THE STATE OF TOCANTINS. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 28, p. 441–456, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v12i28.16655. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufnt.edu.br/index.php/geografia/article/view/16655. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.