Environment, Learning, Environmental educationAbstract
Environmental education (EE) has been a frequent topic in educational debates, highlighting its relevance in students' development regarding environmental issues. In the Geography discipline, approaching this topic can be integrated jointly, exploring the interactions between society and nature and fostering critical thinking among students. This work aims to demonstrate how Geography teaching can enhance environmental education, considering that most environmental challenges emerge from the relationship between society and nature. To support this approach, a bibliographic survey was conducted, encompassing articles, books, theses, dissertations, and conference proceedings discussing the importance of environmental education in Geography. In summary, it can be inferred that teaching Geography and working with environmental education are stimulating and enriching challenges, albeit presenting obstacles to be overcome in schools. When referring to environmental themes, we find them inseparable from Geography. Therefore, by prioritizing environmental awareness in the classroom, teachers can effectively instill in students an awareness focused on the conservation and protection of our planet's environment.
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