Between multilearning and/in hypermedia: the Geography and Environmental Education edutainment of the Instagram pages @geography.planet and @vovofofuxa
Edutainment. Geography, Environmental education, Internet memes, StorytellingAbstract
We are living in the age of hypermedia. Knowing this, there is a need for educational practices to also appear in digital environments. This is when edutainment emerges, bringing together education and entertainment in order to attract “followers” interested in the proposal of those who create content on digital social networks. Considering profiles linked to edutainment, it is interesting to know the impact of the Geography and Environmental Education content published on the Instagram pages @geography.planet and @vovofofuxa, which, respectively, address the themes of their areas of knowledge through internet memes and children's storytelling. The methodology is qualitative and is based on a “virtual” visit to both pages with an exploratory search for the main posts and other forms of digital social interaction to disseminate geographical and environmental education content; the data is analyzed according to discourse analysis, in addition to dialogue with the bibliography on multilearning, multimodality and hypermedia and the association with Geography Teaching. Finally, the contribution of the @geography.planet and @vovofofuxa pages to the popularization and territorialization of geographical knowledge and environmental education on digital networks such as Instagram is highlighted, reflecting on the meaning of multilearning geography in hypermedia in the current (hyper)connected context.
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