The coffee route and the enhancement of the North Parana identity


  • Alini Nunes de Oliveira Federal University of Paraná
  • Fabiane de Oliveira Domingos Paraná State University (UNESPAR) - Apucarana Campus
  • Tatiana Colasante Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) - São Bernardo campus



Coffee culture, Tourism, Coffee Route, Northern Paraná


Northern Paraná was once one of the Brazilian regions with the highest coffee production in the country. Currently, although coffee is no longer the main productive activity in the region, its expression in the record of memories linked to this “green gold”, as this bean was known, is still remarkable. This influence of coffee production in the local culture allows brands in the landscapes to be revalued by different cultural manifestations. Agricultural machinery and old coffee farms currently have a new meaning, preserved by the entrepreneurs of Rota do Café, a tourist itinerary created in 2009. Based on a survey of the potential of the region, this article aims to analyze the structuring of the Coffee Route and to investigate its role as an incentive for the valorization of coffee culture through tourism. From a methodological point of view, this article was constructed through bibliographic and documentary research, in addition to an interview with the president of the Rota do Café Association in 2019 and a tourism consultant for the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae). Although the association formed by Rota entrepreneurs needs the engagement and organization of its members in search of enhancing products and services around coffee, the consolidation of this tourist route allows to deepen the identity ties of the North of Paraná with the history of coffee through the appreciation of its heritage, at the same time that, for tourists, it allows an opportunity to learn about landscapes and culture, considering the landscape.

Author Biographies

Alini Nunes de Oliveira, Federal University of Paraná

I currently reside in a coastal city that I like a lot, I am a post-doctoral student in Tourism at UFPR, I am a doctor and a Master in Geography at UEL. I am graduated in Geography from UEL, graduated in Tourism with emphasis in Hospitality from UNOPAR, specialist in Social Pedagogy and Management of Social Projects by UNOPAR, I have an MBA in Higher Education Management from UNOPAR and I am also a specialist in Environmental Analysis in Earth Sciences from UEL . I have experience in the areas of teaching, academic management and production of teaching materials.

Fabiane de Oliveira Domingos, Paraná State University (UNESPAR) - Apucarana Campus

PhD in Geography from (UEL). He holds a master's degree in Geography, Environment and Development from (UEL). He holds a BA in Tourism and Hospitality from (UNOPAR) with two degrees, one in Tourism Management (UTFPR) and the other in Geography (UNAR). He is a specialist in Environmental Management and Analysis by (UNOPAR). Professionally, she works as a professor and coordinator of the Tourism and Business Course at the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR) on the Apucarana campus, being a member of the Permanent Management and Environmental Education Committee. He has experience in Distance Education working in UNOPAR, UFPR and UEL courses. She is a researcher in the areas of public tourism policies; tourism planning; regional development; religious tourism; tourism geography and environment. His current research projects involve carrying out Tourist Offer Inventories in the municipalities of Vale do Ivaí such as Lunardelli and Faxinal. In 2018 he defended his doctoral thesis: "The policy of regionalization of tourism in Vale do Ivaí: an analysis based on the concept of regional development".

Tatiana Colasante, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) - São Bernardo campus

Bachelor in Tourism and Hospitality from the North University of Paraná. She is a geographer and has a degree in Geography from the State University of Londrina (UEL). She is a specialist in Geography Teaching (UEL) and a Master in Geography, area of ​​concentration Space-Environmental Dynamics, by UEL. He holds a PhD in Geography from the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Presidente Prudente campus, concentration area Production of the Geographic Space. He was a professor of Tourism and Executive Trilingual courses at the State University of Paraná (Unespar). In graduate school, he taught in the Specialization Course in Teaching Geography (UEL) and in the Specialization Course on Cultural Heritage and Identities at the University Center Philadelphia (UNIFIL). He is a reviewer of the magazine Geography (UEL) and Temporalidades (UFMG). He is leader of the Study Group on Tourism, Spatialities, Ruralities and the Environment (GETERMA / UFMA / CNPq). In Geography, he works in studies related to the concepts / themes: territory, territorialities, urban / rural interface and identities. In the Tourism area, she researches themes related to geotourism, culture, development and tourism in rural areas. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Maranhão on the São Bernardo campus where she coordinates the Teaching Project; Patrimonial Education in São Bernardo-MAquot.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Alini Nunes de; DOMINGOS, Fabiane de Oliveira; COLASANTE, Tatiana. TOURISM REGIONALIZATION: The coffee route and the enhancement of the North Parana identity. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 19, p. 163–187, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v9n19p163-187. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.