Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word (formato ‘.doc’ ou ‘.docx’).
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is in accordance with the journal's template and follows the guidelines presented in the Author Guidelines.
- The text follows the style guidelines and bibliographic requirements described in the Author Guidelines on the About the Journal page.
- The instructions to ensure anonymity, as described in "Ensuring Double-Blind Peer Review," have been followed. The authors' names and other information that could identify the authorship of the submitted manuscript should not be provided. The authors' names should be included only in the metadata (3rd step of the submission process). It is important to remove any identification from the file properties.
- I am aware of and agree with the policies stated on the journal's website: (1) Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism Policy, (2) Copyright Policy, (3) Ethics and Good Practices in Publication Policy, (4) Open Access Policy, and (5) Privacy Policy;
- I am aware of and agree to the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Guidelines provided on the website;
- The article abstract is written in Arial font, size 11, single spacing, justified, without paragraph indentation, and comprises 100 to 250 words;
- I am aware of and agree with the Peer Review Process as informed on the journal's website;
- The submitted manuscript is aligned with the Focus and Scope of the journal;
- I am aware and agree to the requirement of registering ORCID, providing the link to the Lattes Curriculum, and other professional information about the author(s) of this manuscript in the metadata (3rd step of the submission process) and within the manuscript text, following the provided template. ORCID can be quickly and freely created at the following link:;
- I am aware and agree to submit the required documents as stated in the Author Guidelines if the manuscript is accepted for publication.
- The authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest of a personal, commercial, academic, political, or financial nature related to this manuscript.
Author Guidelines
Mandatory Documents for Submission
a) Article or Experience Report
Necessary Documents for Publication
If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) must submit the following supplementary documents through the system or by email to RIEcim:
b) Documentation of Ethical Compliance of the Research (when applicable):
The author(s) must follow the guidelines of the Ethics and Good Publication Practices Policy adopted by the Journal. The author(s) must inform in the text if the research was approved by a Research Ethics Committee with human beings. In addition, the author(s) must submit along with the manuscript a copy of the certificate and/or declaration proving compliance with the ethical research standards, including the approval of the research protocol by the Research Ethics Committee with human beings. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted for publication in RIEcim.
c) Declaration of Compliance with Reviewers' Recommendations:
Authors must inform in the text the recommendations requested by the ad hoc reviewers and highlight that they have been met. The revised article (final version) must be submitted along with this declaration of compliance with the reviewers' recommendations.
d) Manuscript Review Statement (by a specialist):
Approved articles must undergo a spelling and grammar review by a qualified professional, preferably with experience in reviewing scientific articles. The revised article must be accompanied by a reviewer's statement.
e) Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer:
Submit the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer signed by the authors of the manuscript, according to the Model provided by RIEcim.
f) Translation Declaration (additional documentation - publication of the translation of the text in English or Spanish):
If the authors wish, approved manuscripts in Portuguese can be published in English or Spanish, in the same environment as the original version. For this, it is necessary for the article to undergo a spelling and grammar review by a qualified professional in the chosen language (English and/or Spanish), preferably with experience in translating and reviewing scientific articles. The revised and translated article must be submitted along with a statement from the reviewer and translator. This translation into English is optional at this time. However, the expectation is that, from 2022 onwards, ALL manuscripts will also be published in English, meeting one of the main requirements of international indexers and good practices in the dissemination of scientific research.
It is important to emphasize that all these documents must be submitted according to the instructions provided by RIEcim, either through the submission system or by email. Compliance with these requirements is essential to ensure the integrity and transparency of RIEcim's publication process, as well as to ensure compliance with ethical and quality standards in scientific research.
RIEcim values compliance with ethical and good practice policies, transparency in the disclosure of conflicts of interest, the quality of writing and presentation of articles, as well as significant contribution to the field of Science and Mathematics Education. By following these guidelines and providing the necessary documents, authors collaborate for the excellence of the journal and contribute to the responsible dissemination of scientific knowledge.
Template - English
All articles in Portuguese submitted to RIEcim Journal must strictly follow this template for evaluation. Otherwise, they will be archived.
Author Guidelines
Before submitting the manuscript, we suggest a detailed reading of the new editorial policies and requirements of the Journal. The information is available in the "About" section of the Journal:
- Editorial Policies
After submitting the manuscript, before sending it to the ad hoc reviewers, the responsible editor will evaluate the following conditions:
- The manuscript must be formatted according to the Journal's Template;
- The manuscript must align with the Focus and Scope of the Journal and the section;
- The manuscript must be authored by at least one Doctor;
- The manuscript must present the Certificate of Ethical Appreciation Presentation (CAAE no...), generated by CONEP, of the research project from which this article originated.
- The manuscript must be in .doc or .docx (word) format;
- The author must send the Conflict of Interests Declaration duly signed, according to the model available on the Journal's website;
- The manuscript must be submitted without any author identification (blind version);
If the manuscript does not comply with these conditions, the responsible editor will archive the submission. After this first evaluation, the peer review process begins.
Mandatory Documentation for Publication
If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) must submit supplementary documents through the system or by email to RIEcim:
- Documentary proof of compliance with research ethics requirements (if applicable)
The author(s) must follow the guidelines of the Ethics and Good Publication Practices Policy adopted by the Journal.
The author(s) must inform, in the text, if the research was approved by a Research Ethics Committee with human beings. The author(s) must submit along with the manuscript a copy of the certificate and/or declaration attesting to compliance with ethical research standards, including a copy of the approval of the research protocol by the Research Ethics Committee with human beings. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted for publication in RIEcim.
- Declaration of compliance with reviewers' recommendations
Inform the recommendations requested by the ad hoc reviewers and that have been met, providing the highlights. The revised article (final version) must be submitted along with this declaration of compliance with reviewers' recommendations.
- Manuscript review statement (by a specialist)
Approved articles must undergo a spelling and grammar review by a qualified professional, preferably with experience in reviewing scientific articles. The revised article must be accompanied by the reviewer's statement.
- Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer
Submit the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer signed by the authors of the manuscript according to the Model provided by RIEcim.
Additional Documentation - Publication of Translation of the Text into English or Spanish
- Translation declaration
If the authors wish, approved manuscripts in Portuguese can be published in English or Spanish, in the same environment as the original version. For this, it is necessary for the article to undergo a spelling and grammar review by a qualified professional in the chosen language (English and/or Spanish), preferably with experience in translating and reviewing scientific articles. The revised and translated article must be submitted along with a statement from the reviewer and translator. This translation into English is optional at this time. However, the expectation and perspective are that from 2025 onwards, ALL manuscripts will also be published in English, thus meeting one of the main requirements of international indexers and good practices in the dissemination of scientific research.
Submission Guidelines / General Author Guidelines
RIEcim accepts for publication original scientific articles written in Portuguese, English, and/or Spanish, resulting from scientific research that contributes to the field of Science and Mathematics Education. The articles should not be simultaneously submitted to other journals or editorial bodies and must follow the following general guidelines:
- The evaluation of the works will be carried out by members of the Editorial Scientific Committee and/or ad hoc reviewers. Any suggestions for modifications by the editors will be made in consensus with the authors. The texts express opinions of exclusive responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of RIEcim's editors or the Editorial Committee.
Types of Scientific Papers
RIEcim accepts the following original contributions:
Research Articles
This section will publish manuscripts of research articles, theoretical essays, and review articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish, resulting from scientific research that contributes to the production of knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Education, and that are not simultaneously submitted to another journal or editorial body.
Experience Reports
This section will publish manuscripts of experience reports in Portuguese, English, Spanish, resulting from teaching and learning experiences or professional experiences related to Science and Mathematics Education, and that are not simultaneously submitted to another journal or editorial body.
Average Time for Evaluation and Publication
The average time between submission of the manuscript and the editorial decision is up to 4 months. For approved manuscripts, the average time between submission and publication is up to 6 months.
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines
The formatting guidelines are provided in the Manuscript Template. The following guidelines should be followed for formatting the manuscript:
Title: in three languages - Portuguese (primary), English (secondary), and Spanish (tertiary), maximum of 12 words each.
Authors: maximum of 4 authors. All authors must possess and provide the ORCID iD registration, as it is required by the indexers of this Journal. It is mandatory that at least one of the authors or co-authors holds a Doctorate degree.
Abstract: The abstract of the article should be written in Times New Roman font, size 11, single-spaced, justified, without paragraph indentation, containing 100 to 250 words.
Keywords: 3 to 5 keywords.
- INTRODUCTION (Should start on the second page)
The Introduction serves to present the research topic, the problem to be discussed, the justification, and the objective(s) of the study.
Formatting Guidelines:
a) All authors must have an ORCID iD registration, as it is a requirement of this Journal's indexers (Link to register: ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating and maintaining a system where all participants in research, scholarships, and innovations are uniquely identified. This system provides an identification number for each researcher, avoiding ambiguities or similarities, and is integrated with other databases and indexers. For any questions, please contact us at
b) It is mandatory for at least one author or co-author to hold a Doctorate degree.
c) The following information about each author must be inserted (in a footnote on the first page) as it is a requirement of the Journal's indexers: Academic degree and name of the institution (ACRONYM) where the degree was obtained. Role and institution to which the author is affiliated (ACRONYM), city, state, country. Mailing address: Street/Av., number, complement, neighborhood, city, state, country, ZIP code: xxxxx-xxx. Email: Each article must include the full name of the author's or authors' work institution, or, when appropriate, a statement of independent worker. Note: The use of the full name of the institution is mandatory when mentioning the authors' affiliation. Each affiliation must include the city and country of the institution. If you do not have an affiliation, you must indicate "independent worker," "independent researcher," or equivalent. Each author must have their institutional affiliation, and it must be easily recognizable in all cases.
d) All information about the authors must be entered in the JOURNAL METADATA (page where the article is submitted), providing the ORCID links, Lattes, and other information.
e) The number of pages for articles and/or experience reports should range from 15 (minimum) to 25 (maximum).
f) The page setup should have top and left margins of 3 cm, and bottom and right margins of 2 cm.
g) The body of the article should use Arial font, size 12.
h) Line spacing should be 1.5 cm, with a 1.25 cm indentation on the first line of paragraphs, and without spacing before and after paragraphs.
i) To emphasize words/phrases in the text, only use italics, avoid bold and/or underline or other highlights.
j) Footnotes should be formatted as follows: Times New Roman font, size 10, single-spaced, and justified. We suggest that footnotes should be avoided whenever possible. However, if there is no other possibility, they should be numbered with Arabic numerals, except for the authors' notes on the first page, which should be marked with *, **, ***, **** to avoid confusion with footnotes related to the content of the manuscript.
k) Acronyms and abbreviations should be used immediately after their meanings and in parentheses. Example: The Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education (PPGecim) is linked to the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT).
l) One space before and after each topic or subtopic.
m) Topics should be written in capital letters, left-aligned, and in bold.
n) The numbering of the article's topics is sequential and follows the determinations of the ABNT standard (NBR 6024).
o) Subtopics should be written with only the initial capitalized letter, left-aligned, and in bold.
p) Abstract, Abstract/Resumen, and References should not be numbered. The Abstract and Abstract/Resumen should be centered, and the References should be left-aligned, also written in bold and uppercase.
q) Citations should be indicated in the text, providing the surname of the cited author in uppercase inside parentheses or uppercase and lowercase when part of the text, followed by the year and the page where the information can be found in the consulted work.
r) In indirect citations in the body of the text, authors' names should be referenced using upper and lowercase letters. If enclosed in parentheses, they should be written in uppercase. For example: Silva (2017) or (SILVA, 2017).
s) Direct quotations with more than three lines should follow ABNT norms, with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin, single spacing, without quotation marks, Times New Roman font, size 10.
t) Note that the page number of the citation should come together with the year, before or after the quoted text.
u) Direct quotations with a maximum of three lines should be inserted in the body of the text, enclosed in double quotation marks (" "). For example: "In the first of these facets, we take into account the beliefs, and in the second, the metacognitive processes of the mathematics teacher" (GODINO et al., 2017, p.133). Or, according to Godino et al. (2007, p. 133), "In the first of these facets, we take into account the beliefs, and in the second, the metacognitive processes of the mathematics teacher."
v) We suggest avoiding the use of "apud" and, whenever possible, use the original citation (or translation).
w) All direct or indirect citations must be incorporated into the text and included in the references.
- THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (As many topics and subtopics as necessary)
The theoretical frameworks serve as the foundation for the study and are used in the analysis of the results presented later. Preference should be given to recent publications from specialized/well-regarded journals, books, dissertations, theses, or works presented at events in the field. Citations will be arranged according to the technical standards ABNT/NBR 10523 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards.
- METHODOLOGY (Paths of the conducted research)
It is interesting to present, whenever possible (according to the theoretical-methodological-epistemological bases), a theoretical foundation on the methodological assumptions of the conducted research: approach, type, subjects, locus, instruments, procedures, and techniques used, context, environment, and other necessary elements. Dialogues, interviews, conversations, examples of exercises, and other instruments derived from collected data should follow the formatting: Times New Roman font, size 10, italics, single line spacing, with a 1.25 indentation. In parentheses, include the source, in 10-point font. Example:
Teacher: And how did you arrive at this solution? How did you think about it?
Student: I multiplied the two numbers and added it to the initial value. But it was Pedro who told me to do it this way. I'm still not convinced it's correct.
(Dialogue between teacher and student, 2017).
Alternatively, they can be organized within tables. Example: [Here you can provide an example of a table containing relevant data or information from the research.]
Note: The number and titles of topics and subtopics are not explicitly provided in the previous instructions. You can create the necessary number of topics and subtopics under "Theoretical Framework" and "Methodology" based on the structure of your research and the amount of content you need to cover. The guidelines provided earlier offer general formatting instructions for each section and suggest elements to include, but the specific organization will depend on the details of your research and the structure you wish to adopt.
Teacher: How did you arrive at this solution? What was your thought process? Student: I multiplied the two numbers and added it to the initial value. But it was Pedro who told me to do it this way. I'm still not convinced it's correct. |
Table 1 - Dialogue between teacher and student.
Source: Author's own production (2017)
Figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to their reference in the text. The title of the figures should be sufficiently clear in relation to the image, so that it is not necessary to consult the body of the text. Only the number of the object and the designating word should be in bold. All content in the figures should follow this instruction: Times New Roman font, size 10, single spacing, centered alignment. Always mention the source.
Figure 1 - Title of Figure 1
Source: Source name or author's last name (year, p.)
Use a good image resolution so that it is legible to readers at 100% zoom, always respecting the document's margins.
Tables present descriptive information, written in text form. All content within the table should follow the instruction: Arial font, size 10, single spacing, centered alignment. Always mention the source. Example 1:
Event presented in the task. |
Estimated probability by Humberto. |
An even number? |
Possible. |
An odd number? |
Possible. |
The number 1? |
There is some possibility. |
Table 2 - Humberto's Justifications in Summing the Results of Two Dice
Source: Silva (2017)
Example 2:
Table 3 - Table Title 1
Source: Source Name or Author's Last Name (Year, p.)
Tables are graphic forms in which numerical data stands out as central information. The identification of the tables should appear at the top, preceded by the word "Table" (in bold), followed by its sequential number in the text, in Arabic numerals (in bold); then, insert the corresponding title (without bold). The table title should be written in Arial font, size 12, and should be separated from the numbering by a hyphen. Always mention the source. Insert the table as close as possible to its reference in the text. The content of the table, as well as sources and notes, should be written in Arial font, size 10, single-line spacing, centered alignment. Example 1:
Table 1 - Distribution of heights of 140 students from school X
Heights (cm) |
Number of students |
[145, 150[ |
2 |
[150, 155[ |
8 |
[155, 160[ |
25 |
[160, 165[ |
40 |
[165, 170[ |
27 |
[170, 175[ |
21 |
[175, 180[ |
10 |
[180, 185[ |
7 |
Total |
140 |
Source: elaborated by the author
Example 2:
Table 1 - Qualitative Research by Quantitative Percentile Analysis
Item |
Quantity |
Percentage |
Social theory |
2 |
x% |
Method |
3 |
x% |
Issue/Question |
5 |
x% |
Reasoning |
12 |
x% |
Sampling method |
3 |
x% |
Strength/Force |
0 |
x% |
Total |
Source: Adapted from Mays apud Greenhalg (1997)
Tables, charts, and equations must be in an editable format. Images will not be accepted. Expressions such as "the table above" or "the figure below" should not be used, as their placement may change during the editing process.
Tables should be presented following the guidelines of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, Tabular Presentation Norms, 1993. Each table must have a title indicating the nature and geographical and temporal scope of the numerical data, written out in full without abbreviations, in a clear and concise manner. If the document includes two or more tables, each one should be numbered (using Arabic numerals in ascending order). The table's frame should not have vertical lines on the left and right sides. It should contain numerical data entered in its cells to provide quantification of specific observed facts. It is recommended to design the table to fit on a single page and maintain graphical consistency (font, size, use of upper and lower case).
Developed based on the theoretical and methodological framework, considering the scientific requirements to ensure originality, scientificity, rigor, and precision.
Highlight the author's conclusions and/or positions regarding the study's findings, usually achieved through exploring the objectives attained and discussing the problem under consideration.
Complete references should be presented following the technical norms NB-66 (NBR 6023) from ABNT and only for the citations made in the body of the text, not from other consulted works. They should be listed in alphabetical order and not numbered or marked with bullet points. Use font size 12, without indentation, left-aligned, single spacing, and space between each reference. Whenever possible, it is mandatory to include the links to access the references available on the internet so that reviewers and readers can immediately consult them after (or during) reading the article, especially when referring to online articles (in journals or conference proceedings), e-books, theses, and dissertations. Insert the DOI link.
ATTENTION: In order to promote and utilize the research published in RIEcim and, consequently, increase the number of citations of this journal in Google Scholar, which will contribute to improving its recognition in the CAPES Qualis rankings, WE SUGGEST CITING AT LEAST TWO OR THREE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (RIEcim) IN RECENT YEARS. Citations can be direct or indirect and should be included in the article's references.
For better understanding and visualization, examples of references for various types of materials are transcribed below.
Livros com 1 autor:
WAINER, Samuel. Minha razão de viver: memórias de um repórter. 11. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1988.
Livros com 2 autores:
FRANÇA, Junia Lessa; VASCONCELLOS, Ana Cristina de. Manual para normalização de publicações técnico-científicas. 7. ed. Belo Horizonte: Ed. UFMG, 2004.
Livros com 3 autores:
CUTLIP, Scott M.; CENTER, Allen H.; BROOM, Glen M. Effective Public Relations. 6. ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1985.
Livros com mais de 3 autores:
FRANÇA, Júnia Lessa; [Informar todos os autores]. Manual para normalização de publicações técnico- científicas. Belo Horizonte: Editora da UFMG, 1990.
Livros com organizadores, coordenadores:
OLIVEIRA, A. M. P. de.; ORTIGÃO, M. I. R. (Org.). Abordagens teóricas e metodológicas nas pesquisas em Educação Matemática. Brasília: SBEM, 2018. (Coleção SBEM). Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2020.
CYRINO, M. C. de C. T. (Org.). Temáticas emergentes de pesquisas sobre a formação de professores que ensinam Matemática: perspectivas e desafios. Brasília, DF: SBEM, 2018. (Coleção SBEM). Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2020.
BORBA, M. C. ARAÚJO, J. L. (Org.). Pesquisa qualitativa em Educação Matemática. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2010.
Capítulo de livro (Ebook):
BARBOSA, J. C. Abordagens teóricas e metodológicas na Educação Matemática: aproximações e distanciamentos. In: OLIVEIRA, A. M. P. de.; ORTIGÃO, M. I. R. (Org.). Abordagens teóricas e metodológicas nas pesquisas em Educação Matemática. Brasília: SBEM, 2018. (Coleção SBEM). Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2020.
Dissertações, teses, trabalhos de conclusão de curso:
COSTA, D. E. O processo de construção de sequência didática como pro(motor) da Educação Matemática na formação de professores. 2013. 196 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Pará, Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas, Belém, 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2020.
RIBEIRO, Marcel Thiago Damasceno. Saberes científicos e pedagógicos de conteúdo expressos por professores egressos do Programa de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência em Química da UFMT. 2016. 162 f. Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Universidade Federal do Pará, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Rede Amazônica de Educação em Ciências e Matemática, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemática, Cuiabá, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2020.
Trabalhos de eventos:
ALVARADO PRADA, L. E. A. Metodologias de pesquisa-formação de professores nas dissertações, teses: 1999-2008. In: IX Seminário Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação da Região Sul. Anais do IX ANDEP SUL – Seminário Nacional de Pesquisa em Educação da Região Sul, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2020.
Artigos de revistas/periódicos: (OBS.: Para os artigos e outras referências que possuem DOI ativo, basta informar o link do DOI no final da referência, não sendo necessário colocar as informações relativas à “disponível em” e " acesso em”. O DOI ATIVO substitui estas informações.)
MARTINS, Endrigo Antunes et al. Crenças de autoeficácia e atitudes de alunos da Educação Básica: possíveis indicativos de desmotivações para a resolução de questões “matematizadas” de ciências naturais. REAMEC - Rede Amazônica de Educação em Ciências e Matemática, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 05-27, jul/dez, 2019. ISSN 2318-6674.
FIORENTINI, D.; NACARATO, A. M.; FERREIRA, A. C.; LOPES, C. A. E.; FREITAS, M. T. M.; MISKULIN, R. G. S. Formação de professores que ensinam Matemática: um balanço de 25 anos da pesquisa brasileira. Educação em Revista. v. 36, 2002, p. 137-160. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2020.
SANTOS, L. C.; COSTA, D. E.; GONÇALVES, T. O. Uma reflexão acerca dos conhecimentos e saberes necessários para a formação inicial do professor de Matemática. Educação Matemática Pesquisa: Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática, [S.l.], v. 19, n. 2, set. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2020.
Leis, decretos, portarias, etc.:
BRASIL. Lei n.º 9394/96. Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. Brasília: 1996. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 mai. 2019.
BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Resolução CNE/CP nº. 1, de 18/02/2002. Institui Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Formação de Professores da Educação Básica, em nível superior, curso de licenciatura, de graduação plena. Brasília: 2002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 mai. 2019.
BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Parecer CNE/CES nº 1.302, de 06 de novembro de 2001. Define as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os Cursos de Matemática, Bacharelado e Licenciatura. Brasília: 2002b. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 mai. 2019.
BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Resolução CNE/CP nº. 2, de 19 de fevereiro de 2002. Institui a duração e a carga horária dos cursos de licenciatura, de graduação plena, de formação de professores da Educação Básica em nível superior. Brasília: 2002c. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 mai. 2019.
NOTICE: All internet page addresses (URLs) included in the text must comply with the Copyright Law (LDA - Law 9.610/1998).
NOTICE: The Scientific Editorial Committee of RIEcim reserves the right to introduce changes to the original manuscripts in order to maintain homogeneity and publication quality while respecting the author's style and opinion.
Articles must be presented following the following Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) guidelines:
a) Presentation of Articles in Periodicals, NBR 6022/03;
b) Abstracts, NBR 6028/03 (Maximum of 200 words);
c) References, NBR 6023/02;
d) Citations, NBR 10520/02;
e) Progressive Numbering of Document Sections, NBR 6024/03.
Starting in 2023, RIEcim will publish its manuscripts organized into two sections: Articles and Experience Reports.
In this section, manuscripts of research articles, theoretical essays, and review articles will be published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, resulting from scientific research that contributes to the production of knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Education and is not simultaneously submitted to another journal or editorial body.
Relatos de experiência
Starting in 2023, RIEcim will publish its manuscripts organized into two sections: Articles and Experience Reports.
Experience Reports
In this section, manuscripts of experience reports will be published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, resulting from teaching and learning experiences or professional experiences related to Science and Mathematics Education, and are not simultaneously submitted to another journal or editorial body.
Política padrão.
Copyright Notice
I agree with RIEcim's copyright policy and commit to providing the necessary documentation.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.