
  • Walter Walentino Cruz UFT-Universidade federal do Tocantins
  • Alessandro Tomaz Barbosa Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins (UFNT)



COVID-19; Remote teaching; Coloniality; Virtual tools; Learning.


This article aimed to reflect and discuss my pathway as a math teacher in the current pandemic period of COVID-19, focusing the difficulties and challenges faced in the use of virtual tools in remote classes. The experience report presented in this essay is close to an autobiographical narrative (memoirs), as I seek to rescue my experience as a math teacher in Basic Education in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The reflections on the use of these virtual media were based on the students' mathematical learning in the Freirean perspective linked to the assumptions of Ethnomathematics. Among the virtual tools used, I highlight in this experience report Google Classroom, Google Meet, WhatsApp and the Palmas Home School Platform. From this report, I conclude that, in order to build an education that really places the student as a protagonist in the process of social transformation, it is still necessary to advance in the methods available for the application of these virtual resources.

Keywords: COVID-19; Remote teaching; Coloniality; Virtual tools; Learning.


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How to Cite

CRUZ, Walter Walentino; BARBOSA, Alessandro Tomaz. BEING A MATHEMATICS TEACHER: : AUTOBIOGRAPHIC NARRATIVES IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC PERIOD. Interdisciplinary Journal in Science and Mathematics Education, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 111–119, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/riecim.v1i1.11933. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 sep. 2024.

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