Science teaching, Acai fruit, School foodAbstract
The present research sought to verify the appreciation of the açaí fruit in the school environment, as well as if those who work with the manipulation of the fruit are aware of the importance of adopting good hygiene practices. As it is a perishable food, poor handling practices can accelerate the degradation and proliferation of contaminants in the juice (NOGUEIRA; FIGUEIREDO; MULLER, 2005). The information collected took place from May 13 to June 30, 2019, in the city of Igarapé-Miri - Pará, with school managers, açaí handlers, points of sale of the fruit and sectors of the Municipal Department of Education. The instruments and research techniques used were: interviews, questionnaire and systematic observations. The results demonstrate: a) The concern of pickers regarding the hygiene procedure and the lack of materials to carry out quality work in the açaí groves, b) information from the Secretary of Education revealed that of the 111 municipal schools, the 16 urban teaching units are the most benefited from the açaí distributed by the secretariat. The results also point out that 25% of urban managers bought açaí for the school at points of sale on their own. Based on the above, we can conclude that the açaí offered to students of public education institutions involves numerous individuals, who, like managers and coordinators, have the responsibility to ensure the health of the students.
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