


Controversies, Scientific and technological literacy, Learning chemistry


This work aims to investigate how Socio-Scientific Controversies - CSC can promote, through Project-Based Learning - PBL, Scientific and Technological Literacy - ACT in High School students. The similarity of this study is justified by the need to produce innovative knowledge in the area of teaching, referring to Socio-scientific Controversies from the PBL, in view of some gaps in the literature on this relationship. Another important aspect that led to the construction of this research is the search for improvements in the process of learning chemistry content. This study assumes the modality of participant research, being also exploratory, with a qualitative approach. Then, a workshop was held with 4 after-hours classes at a state school in the city of Manaus - AM, and some instruments were used such as: Questionnaires, Mind Maps, Sheets and Folders to carry out the activities. The results were based on Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA) and organized into two discussion axes: PBL and chemistry learning; and the relationship between socio-scientific controversies and students, followed by their respective categories. When analyzing the indicators through the instruments, it was overcome that the activities carried out were sufficient to promote the construction of knowledge and Scientific and Technological Literacy in the students, aiming at the formation of citizens capable of positioning themselves in the face of scientific, social and technological issues that a society.

Author Biographies

Isabela Gonçalves da Gama, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, Amazonas

Estudante de Licenciatura em Química pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Atualmente é estagiária no Instituto de Proteção Ambiental do Amazonas - IPAAM, auxiliando no processo de Licenciamento Industrial do estado. Além disso, participa como bolsista no projeto "Estudo de Viabilidade (EV) para o uso de Combustíveis Derivados de Resíduos (CDR) no Amazonas", vinculado ao Programa BIODIVERSA/FAPEAM.

Ettore Paredes Antunes, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil

Químico, mestre em Química (Físico-Química) e Doutor em Química na área de Ensino de Química. Atualmente docente na Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM, Manaus. Têm interesse em pesquisas na intersecção entre as áreas da História, Filosofia, Psicologia e Sociologia da Ciência e o Ensino de Ciências. Orienta nos PPGQ e PPGECIM. Líder do Laboratório de Filosofia e Ensino de Ciências (LAFECi) -


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How to Cite

GAMA, Isabela Gonçalves da; ANTUNES, Ettore Paredes. ANABOLIC STEROIDS AS A CONTROVERSIAL TOPIC: A STUDY BASED ON THE ABP METHODOLOGY. Interdisciplinary Journal in Science and Mathematics Education, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. e23007, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/riecim.v3i1.17324. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.

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