Editorial Policies

Section Policy

Starting in 2023, RIEcim will publish its manuscripts organized into two sections: Articles and Experience Reports.


In this section, manuscripts of research articles, theoretical essays, and review articles will be published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, resulting from scientific research that contributes to the production of knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Education and is not simultaneously submitted to another journal or editorial body.

Experience Reports

In this section, manuscripts of experience reports will be published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, resulting from teaching and learning experiences or professional experiences related to Science and Mathematics Education, and are not simultaneously submitted to another journal or editorial body.

Open Access Policy

RIEcim provides free and immediate access to its online content, adhering to the principle of global democratization of scientific knowledge. Additionally, the journal does not charge any fees to authors for publication (APCs). This means that both readers and researchers have open and free access to articles, promoting wide and equitable dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Education.

Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism Policy

RIEcim adopts a strict policy against plagiarism and self-plagiarism. We use plagiarism detection software, such as CopySpider, to analyze all submitted manuscripts. If any form of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is identified, the articles will be promptly rejected and archived.

During the submission process, if there are indications of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, the Editors will contact the author(s) to request clarification. If the practice of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is confirmed, the manuscript will be archived even before being sent for evaluation.

In the case of plagiarism or self-plagiarism detection after the article's publication and dissemination to readers, RIEcim will take the necessary measures. The Editors will contact the author(s) to inform them about the violation, request clarification, and, after analyzing these clarifications, make the appropriate decision. This may include the retraction of the published article.

RIEcim is committed to ensuring the integrity and originality of the content published, maintaining an ethical and trustworthy research environment.

According to CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development), plagiarism:

[...] consists of presenting, as if it were one's own, results or conclusions previously obtained by another author, as well as full texts or substantial parts of others' texts without the detailed care specified in the Guidelines. Plagiarism is also committed by those who use ideas or data obtained from analyses of projects or unpublished manuscripts to which they had access as a consultant, reviewer, editor, or the like. (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq)

On the other hand, self-plagiarism "[...] consists of the total or partial presentation of texts already published by the same author, without proper references to previous works" (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq).

Reference: Report of the CNPq Research Integrity Committee. Available at: https://www.gov.br/cnpq/pt-br/composicao/comissao-de-integridade/relatorio-comissao--integridade-do-cnpq.pdf. Accessed on May 28, 2023.

RIEcim adheres to the guidelines presented in the aforementioned CNPq report:

1: The author must always give credit to all sources directly underpinning their work;

2: Any verbatim quotation from another author must be placed in quotation marks;

3: When summarizing someone else's text, the author must seek to reproduce the exact meaning of the ideas or facts presented by the original author, who should be cited;

4: When in doubt whether a concept or fact is common knowledge, proper citations should not be omitted;

5: When submitting a manuscript for publication containing information, conclusions, or data that have already been significantly disseminated (e.g., presented at a conference, published on the internet), the author must clearly indicate to the editors and readers the existence of prior information dissemination;

6: If the results of a complex single study can be presented as a cohesive whole, it is considered unethical to fragment them into individual manuscripts;

7: To avoid any characterization of self-plagiarism, the use of the author's own previous texts and works must be indicated, with proper references and citations;

8: The author must ensure the accuracy of each citation and that each citation in the bibliography corresponds to a citation in the manuscript text. The author must also give credit to the authors who first reported the observation or idea being presented;

9: When describing the work of others, the author should not rely on secondary summaries of that work, which may lead to a faulty description of the cited work. Whenever possible, the original literature should be consulted;

10: If an author needs to cite a secondary source (e.g., a review) to describe the content of a primary source (e.g., an empirical article from a journal), they should ensure its accuracy and always indicate the original source of the information being reported;

11: The intentional inclusion of references of questionable relevance with the aim of manipulating impact factors or increasing the probability of manuscript acceptance is ethically unacceptable;

12: When using information from another source, the author should write in a way that makes it clear to readers which ideas are their own and which come from consulted sources;

13: The author has the ethical responsibility to report evidence that contradicts their viewpoint whenever it exists. Furthermore, the evidence used to support their positions should be methodologically sound. When resorting to studies with methodological, statistical, or other deficiencies, such flaws must be clearly pointed out to readers;

14: The author has the ethical obligation to report all aspects of the study that may be important for independent reproducibility of their research;

15: Any alteration of initial results obtained, such as the elimination of discrepancies or the use of alternative statistical methods, must be clearly described along with a rational justification for employing such procedures;

16: The inclusion of authors in the manuscript should be discussed before starting the collaboration and should be based on established guidelines, such as those of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors;

17: Only individuals who have made a significant contribution to the work deserve authorship on a manuscript. Significant contribution is understood as conducting experiments, participating in experimental planning, analyzing results, or elaborating the manuscript's content. Loaning equipment, obtaining funding, or general supervision alone does not justify the inclusion of new authors, who should be acknowledged instead;

18: Collaboration between faculty and students should follow the same ethical criteria. Supervisors should ensure that students with little or no contribution are not included in authorship and that those who effectively participated in the work are not excluded. Ghost authorship in Science is ethically unacceptable;

19: All authors of a work are responsible for the truthfulness and integrity of the work, with the first author and the corresponding author having full responsibility, and other authors having responsibility for their individual contributions;

20: Authors should be able to describe their personal contributions to the work when requested; and

21: All research work must be conducted within ethical standards in its execution, whether involving animals or humans.

Reference: Report of the CNPq Research Integrity Committee. Available at: https://www.gov.br/cnpq/pt-br/composicao/comissao-de-integridade/relatorio-comissao--integridade-do-cnpq.pdf. Accessed on May 28, 2023.

ATTENTION: It is essential for readers, authors, reviewers, and editors to carefully observe these guidelines in order to avoid violations that may result in the exclusion of the manuscript from the publications of the Journal. Compliance with these guidelines contributes to the preservation of integrity and quality of the works published in RIEcim.

Copyright Policy

Copyright belongs to the authors, who grant RIEcim – Interdisciplinary Journal of Science and Mathematics Education – the exclusive right to first publication. The authors will not receive remuneration for the publication of their works in this ornal. They are permitted to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the published version of their work in this ornal (e.g., publish it in na institutional ornalor, on a personal website, as a book chapter, or in a translation), provided that proper authorship attribution and initial publication in this ornal are acknowledged. The journal’s editors have the right to make textual adjustments and adaptations to meet publication standards.

Policy for Special Thematic Section

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (RIEcim) is pleased to promote the publication of special thematic sections in its regular issues, with the aim of deepening knowledge in specific areas of interest to the scientific community.

Researchers and scholars in the field of Science and Mathematics Education are invited to propose thematic or special sections for RIEcim. Proposals should provide a clear and relevant justification for the creation of the section, highlighting the importance of the proposed theme in the context of teaching and research.

The proposal for a thematic or special section should contain a brief description of the theme, including a contextualization of the field of study and the theme's relevance to the scientific community. Additionally, potential guest editors, who will be responsible for the organization and review of submitted articles, need to be indicated.

Articles submitted for the thematic or special sections should align with the proposed theme and meet RIEcim's criteria for quality and relevance. They will undergo the peer review process, following the journal's editorial guidelines and policies.

Submitted articles will be evaluated by reviewers specialized in the thematic area, ensuring the quality and academic consistency of the published works. Authors must follow the formatting and style guidelines of RIEcim, as described in the author guidelines.

Guest editors will be responsible for the selection and review of articles submitted to the thematic or special section. They should conduct the peer review process according to the standards and criteria established by RIEcim.

Selected articles for the thematic or special section will be published in a specific edition of the journal, clearly identified as such. Guest editors may, if necessary, write an introduction to the section, providing context and presenting the published works.

RIEcim reserves the right to establish additional guidelines for the submission and publication of thematic or special sections, which will be announced through public calls, editorial guidelines, or journal communications.

The creation of thematic or special sections aims to enrich scientific debate and promote the advancement of knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Education, reinforcing RIEcim's commitment to being a vehicle for the dissemination and exchange of relevant and innovative research.

3.6 Marketing and Promotion Policy of RIEcim

Social Media Strategies:

a) Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to promote published works, news, and events related to the journal.

b) Engage with the academic and professional community through relevant posts, shares, and comments.

c) Facilitate discussions on current and relevant topics in the field of Science and Mathematics Education.

Partnerships with Institutions and Organizations:

a) Establish partnerships with higher education institutions, scientific associations, and other organizations related to Science and Mathematics Education.

b) Participate in events, conferences, and workshops to promote the journal and engage in dialogues with researchers and professionals in the field.

Email Marketing:

a) Maintain an updated contact list of authors, reviewers, institutions, and individuals interested in the journal.

b) Regularly send email newsletters highlighting recent published articles, submission calls, and other relevant updates.

Participation in Indexers and Directories:

a) Ensure RIEcim's inclusion in relevant indexers and directories in the field of Science and Mathematics Education, both national and international.

b) Monitor and comply with the criteria and requirements to maintain the journal's presence in these indexers.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

a) Optimize the content of the RIEcim website to improve its visibility on search engines.

b) Utilize relevant keywords, appropriate meta tags, and internal links to enhance search engine rankings.

Collaboration with Associate Editors and Advisors:

a) Engage Associate Editors and Advisors of RIEcim in promoting the journal within their academic and professional networks.

b) Encourage active promotion of the journal by these collaborators, including sharing published articles and encouraging the submission of high-quality work.

Feedback and Monitoring:

a) Collect feedback from readers, authors, and reviewers to continuously improve the quality and reach of the journal.

b) Monitor performance metrics such as views, downloads, and article citations to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of promotional strategies.

Multimedia Content:

a) Explore the creation of multimedia content, such as videos, podcasts, and infographics, to attract a wider and diverse audience.

b) Utilize content-sharing channels like YouTube and SoundCloud to disseminate and promote RIEcim's multimedia content.

Participation in Collaboration Networks:

a) Actively engage in collaboration networks with other scientific journals, institutions, and researchers to promote RIEcim and enhance the journal's visibility in the academic landscape.

b) Participate in joint initiatives, such as special publications, events, and collaborative research projects, to increase RIEcim's recognition and expand its reach.

Promotion at Conferences and Events:

a) Attend conferences, symposia, and workshops in the field of Science and Mathematics Education to present RIEcim and its publications to attendees.

b) Organize special sessions or thematic panels at scientific events to discuss and promote the works published in the journal.

Collaboration with the Editorial Community:

a) Establish partnerships with other scientific journals and members of the editorial community to share best practices, exchange experiences, and promote collaboration among journals.

b) Participate in forums, discussion groups, and editorial associations to stay updated on trends and innovations in academic publishing.

Monitoring Metrics and Impact:

a) Monitor impact metrics such as the journal's impact factor, citation indices, and visibility in indexers to evaluate RIEcim's performance and identify areas for improvement.

b) Use these metrics as a basis for setting growth goals and implementing strategies to increase the journal's impact and relevance.

Effective Communication:

a) Ensure effective and clear communication with readers, authors, reviewers, and all stakeholders of RIEcim.

b) Provide up-to-date information on submission deadlines, editorial policies, and relevant updates through the website, emails, and social media.

Promotion of Quality and Relevance:

a) Value and promote the quality and relevance of the works published in RIEcim, emphasizing the importance of research in Science and Mathematics Education.

b) Encourage the submission of high-quality works and rigorous peer-review processes to ensure the excellence of published content.

Personalization and Segmentation:

a) Segment communication and marketing strategies according to the profiles of potential readers and authors, considering their areas of interest and specific needs.

b) Personalize messages and information provided based on individual preferences, ensuring a more relevant and engaging experience.

The marketing and promotion policy of RIEcim aims to increase the journal's visibility, recognition, and impact, promoting access and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Education.

Archiving and Digital Preservation Policy

This journal uses the LOCKSS system, developed by Stanford University, to create a distributed archive among participating libraries. The system allows these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. For more information, visit https://www.lockss.org/.

The journal is also part of the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services, Cariniana, provided by IBICT (to be requested), which offers preservation services for any OJS journal in Brazil: https://cariniana.ibict.br/.

Finally, the articles are preserved at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (A POSTERIORI).

By adopting these archiving and preservation measures, the journal aims to ensure the long-term accessibility and integrity of its published content, safeguarding valuable scientific knowledge for future generations.

Privacy Policy

The personal information provided in this journal will be used exclusively for purposes related to the services offered by this publication. The information will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with third parties or used for any other purpose.

Conflict of Interest Registration Guidelines

Conflict of interest arises when there are differences or conflicting interests that may compromise the impartial evaluation of a manuscript. These conflicts can arise from personal, political, academic, religious, financial, or other issues. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the involved parties to register any conflict of interest, along with its justification, in the respective field of the RIEcim system:

1) Authors: During manuscript submission, authors must inform if there are any conflicts of interest. If there are no conflicts, authors should indicate in the field that there are no conflicts of interest.

2) Editors: In case of any conflict of interest, the responsible editor should transfer the handling of the manuscript to another editor to ensure impartiality of the process, providing a justification for this substitution.

3) Reviewers: There are two options: either ensure that they will be able to provide an impartial and objective review, explaining any conflicts of interest related to the work and its authorship, or, if they identify a conflict of interest that would prevent impartiality, decline to review the manuscript, providing an explanation for their decision.

During submission, specifically in step 4 "Transfer of Supplementary Documents," authors are requested to submit a Conflict of Interest Declaration signed by all authors, in order to ensure the integrity of the submitted study's results, as per the provided template.

Ethics and Good Publication Practices Policy

The RIEcim, Interdisciplinary Journal of Science and Mathematics Teaching, is a journal that adheres to rigorous standards of ethics in scientific publication. It is essential that all those involved in the publication process - Editors, Editorial Board, Scientific Council, Peer Reviewers, and Authors - agree to the established ethical behavior standards. We take as reference the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and highlight the following principles:

3.10.1 Responsibilities of Editors:

1) Review submitted articles and approve those that comply with the scope of RIEcim, considering the journal's thematic focus, publication guidelines, and legal issues related to defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

2) Act in an objective and impartial manner, avoiding discrimination based on religion, politics, social status, gender, sexual orientation, or authors' beliefs.

3) Guide Guest Editors, Authors, and Reviewers on the publication process, including RIEcim's guidelines, submission, evaluation, and recommendations.

4) Ensure an anonymous peer review process (double-blind peer review), guaranteeing confidentiality of information.

5) Protect the identity of authors and reviewers involved in the evaluation process.

6) Select appropriate reviewers.

7) Maintain an up-to-date list of reviewers.

8) Ensure that unpublished materials in an article are not used in research and publications carried out by Editors or members of the Editorial Board without the authors' permission.

9) Respond to inquiries about published articles related to possible editorial misconduct, following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

10) Publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

11) Guarantee the autonomy of editorial decisions.

12) Protect intellectual property and authors' rights.

13) Uphold good editorial practices.

14) Take appropriate measures in case of detection or suspicion of plagiarism, redundancy, fabricated data, conflicts of interest, or ethical issues, before or after the publication of manuscripts, following the guidelines recommended by COPE and providing authors an opportunity to respond to any complaints or allegations.

3.10.2 Responsibilities of Reviewers:

1) Notify the Editors of their availability to review an article.

2) Decline the invitation if they do not feel qualified to conduct the evaluation due to the addressed topic, author identification, or conflict of interest.

3) Treat manuscripts as confidential documents, protecting intellectual property and authors' rights, maintaining confidentiality about the information, and committing not to use privileged information for personal benefit in their own research or publications.

4) Report to the Editors if they identify copyright violations or instances of plagiarism by authors.

5) Inform the Editors if there is a potential conflict of interest with the authors of a specific manuscript, abstain from reviewing it, and communicate the need for replacement by another impartial reviewer.

6) Prepare evaluations based on good editorial practices, guided by ethics, impartiality, reasonableness, and respect for human rights.

3.10.3 Responsibilities of Authors:

1) Familiarize themselves with the scope, objectives, thematic coverage, policies, and submission guidelines of RIEcim, available on its website.

2) Prepare the article based on research and/or systematic study, presenting data and contributions coherently relevant to the area of Science and Mathematics Teaching.

3) Ensure that the submitted article is original, and if it is an expansion of a work published in scientific event proceedings, ensure a consistent approach and significant analysis.

4) Do not submit the article simultaneously to other journals.

5) Observe the norms of the Research Ethics Committee of the institution responsible for the research addressed in the article, especially regarding research involving human subjects.

6) For research involving experimentation with human subjects and animals, comply with the requirements established by Resolution 466 of December 12, 2012, of the National Health Council/Brazil, including information about the approval of the research protocol by the Ethics Committee involving human subjects of the involved institutions.

7) Ensure there is no plagiarism in the text and give proper credit to cited sources.

8) Inform in the text if the research was approved by an Ethics Committee involving human subjects.

9) Submit, along with the manuscript, a copy of the certificate and/or statement attesting to compliance with ethical research standards, including the approval of the research protocol by the Ethics Committee involving human subjects. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted for publication in RIEcim.

10) Ensure that the article has not been published in another journal, and if it is a translation of an international publication, indicate this information on the first page of the article.

11) Attribute authorship to those who have significantly contributed to the conception and development of the article, limiting the number of authors to four.

12) Maintain communication with the Editors, informing any need for correction of information in an already published article.

13) Ensure that there is consensus among all co-authors in the approval of the final version of the article and its subsequent submission to RIEcim for publication.

3.10.4 Responsibilities of National Scientific Council Members:

1) Guide, when possible and necessary, the Editors of RIEcim to ensure the quality of articles published in Portuguese and compliance with the necessary requirements to register and maintain national indexations that contribute to the dissemination of the area of Science and Mathematics Teaching.

3.10.5 Responsibilities of International Scientific Council Members:

1) Advise, when possible and necessary, the Editors of RIEcim to ensure the quality of articles published in English and Spanish, as well as compliance with the necessary requirements to register and maintain international indexations that contribute to the dissemination of the area of Science and Mathematics Teaching.

3.10.6 Responsibilities of the Editor:

1) Ensure the maintenance of good practices according to the standards described above and the journal's policies.


RIEcim adopts plagiarism and self-plagiarism detection tools, and authors must be aware of the legal implications provided for in the Penal Code (article 184) and the Copyright Law (Art. 7, third paragraph of Law No. 9.610, of February 19, 1998 - see Law No. 12.853, of 2013).

To deal with suspicions of misconduct, we highlight the following procedures:

1) All manuscripts submitted to RIEcim are analyzed by anti-plagiarism software, such as CopySpider© and Plagiarism©. If plagiarism is suspected, the evaluation process will be interrupted, and authors will be asked to provide clarifications.

2) Anyone can report cases of scientific misconduct, such as plagiarism, redundancy, fabricated data, conflicts of interest, or ethical issues. It is necessary to provide sufficient information and evidence to initiate an investigation. All allegations will be treated with seriousness and impartiality until a decision or conclusion is reached.

3) In the event of detection or suspicion of misconduct, before or after the publication of a manuscript, the editors of RIEcim will take measures according to the guidelines recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at: https://publicationethics.org/files/Full set of English flowcharts_9Nov2016.pdf.

If misconduct is proven, authors will be subject to penalties, which may include:

1) Formal clarifications on any misunderstandings that led to deviations of conduct.

2) Mention in a formal notice or editorial of the journal detailing the misconduct.

3) Formal reporting of the case to the author's institution's management or funding agency involved in the misconduct.

4) Prevention from submitting new manuscripts to the journal.

5) Formal reporting of the case to a professional organization or higher authority for investigations and additional actions.

Note: For cases and situations not foreseen in this document, RIEcim will follow the guidelines and recommendations of COPE. All measures will be taken based on the guidance of this International Ethics Committee.

Editorial practice in cases of scientific misconduct, such as plagiarism, self-plagiarism, data falsification or fabrication, misuse of references or citations, duplicity, authorship disputes, among others, will follow the checklist and guidelines procedures of the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE - http://publicationethics.org/).

RIEcim reinforces that it uses plagiarism and self-plagiarism detection tools, and authors must be aware of the legal implications provided for in the Penal Code and Copyright Law. The journal reserves the right to take appropriate measures in case of detection of misconduct, exempting the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT) and RIEcim itself from any responsibility, while authors will be subject to legal penalties and consequences for the irregularities committed.

We emphasize that at all stages of the publication process, ethics and good scientific practices are fundamental values for RIEcim, aiming to ensure the integrity and reliability of the published scientific results. Cooperation and commitment from all involved are essential to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct in the journal.

Peer Review Policy

RIEcim adopts a double-blind peer review process, meaning that each article is evaluated by two ad hoc reviewers who are experts in the field, with extensive academic qualifications and experience. The evaluation is conducted anonymously, without the identification of the reviewers and authors involved (blind review).

Upon receiving an article, the responsible Editor forwards it to two ad hoc reviewers registered in the RIEcim Reviewers' Team. Reviewers have one week to confirm their availability to evaluate the manuscript, and if they accept, they have an additional three weeks to submit their review, following RIEcim's evaluation form. In the event of an unavailability of a reviewer, the Editor sends the article to another available reviewer until two reviewers are obtained.

The recommendations from the reviewers can be as follows: acceptable without revisions, acceptable with minor revisions, acceptable with significant revisions, or not acceptable. If there are divergences between the recommendations of the reviewers (e.g., one recommendation for acceptance and another for rejection), the manuscript is sent to a third ad hoc reviewer. Based on the received reviews, the responsible Editor makes an editorial decision, which can be: accept, request revisions, submit for a new round of evaluation, or reject the article.

After recording the editorial decision, the Editor sends an email to the corresponding author informing them of the decision and providing the reviewers' evaluations. If the article is accepted, the author(s) has/have a period of 30 days to submit the final version of the manuscript, including the reviewers' recommendations and other required documents for publication, through the journal's electronic system (OJS).

To ensure the integrity of the double-blind peer review process, precautions must be taken not to disclose the identities of the authors and reviewers. Authors should replace their names with "Author" and the year in the references and footnotes instead of their own names and article titles. Additionally, when using Microsoft Office documents, the author's identification must be removed from the document's properties, following the steps described in the File menu > Properties.

We emphasize that all submitted articles go through a plagiarism detection program before being sent to the reviewers. If plagiarism or self-plagiarism is identified, the corresponding author will be notified, and the article will be archived. For more information, we recommend consulting RIEcim's Ethics and Good Publication Practices Policy.

Guidelines for Evaluation (Evaluator's Instructions)

Each article submitted to RIEcim undergoes peer review through the double-blind peer review method. This means that the article is evaluated by two ad hoc reviewers, duly registered in the system and part of the Journal's Reviewer Team, assigned according to their area of interest. The evaluation process is double-blind, preserving the identity of both the authors and the reviewers.

During the evaluation process, the following aspects are taken into consideration, along with RIEcim's publication policies:

  1. Relevance and originality;
  2. Rigor, precision, and objectivity in writing;
  3. Clarity and relevance of the research problem and objectives;
  4. Adequate theoretical foundation to the topic;
  5. Title appropriateness to the content;
  6. Coherent structure;
  7. Clarity in the methodology;
  8. Presentation of relevant results and discussion;
  9. Proper citations and references to the content;
  10. Innovation and contribution to the Teaching of Sciences and Mathematics in the Amazon Region.

Automated Form in the System

RIEcim provides an evaluation form for ad hoc reviewers to fill out and record their recommecndations in the system. This form guides the evaluation process, addressing the following aspects:

  1. Title*:

Evaluate if the title clearly expresses the content of the article. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Abstract*:

Check if the abstract clearly highlights the content of the article, following the journal's guidelines. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Introduction*:

Analyze if the introduction sparks the reader's interest, presents the subject and context, justifies the choice of the topic, and outlines the exposition plan. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Objective*:

Verify if the article's objective is clear and well-defined. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Research Methodology*:

Assess if the methodology is adequately outlined and aligned with the objectives of the work. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Theoretical Framework*:

Evaluate if the theoretical framework is appropriate and well-structured. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Research Analysis:

Check if there is a detailed description of the analysis process, including the method used and other information demonstrating the scientific approach to analyzing the research data.

  1. Presented Results*:

Verify if the presented results meet the objectives of the article. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Conclusion*:

Assess if the conclusion is coherent, clear, and objective. Record your comments in detail.

  1. References*:

Analyze if the bibliography presented is consistent, up-to-date, and relevant to the studied topic. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Depth of Approach*:

Check if the work contributes scientifically to the knowledge of the studied topic and if the subject is innovative and relevant. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Text Presentation*:

Evaluate the correct use of the Portuguese language. Record your comments in detail.

  1. Relevant Details:

Record additional comments about the points above or other pertinent aspects.

At the end of the evaluation, the reviewer records their final assessment, which may be:

( ) Acceptable without revisions

( ) Acceptable with minor revisions

( ) Acceptable with significant revisions

( ) Not acceptable

It is also possible to provide additional comments for the Editor.

Comments for the editor:

*indicates mandatory field

The estimated time for evaluation and publication is up to 4 months from the article submission date. For approved articles, the estimated time for publication is up to 6 months.

Standard Section Policies

The journal follows the following section policies:

a) Copyright Statement;

b) Agreement with RIEcim's copyright policy and commitment to submit the necessary documentation;

c) Privacy Policy.

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.