About the Journal

Focus and Scope

RIEcim accepts for publication original scientific manuscripts in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. The submitted works must result from scientific research that directly influences the production of knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Teaching. RIEcim prioritizes the dissemination of articles that express interdisciplinary approaches. Manuscripts that are simultaneously under evaluation by other journals or editorial bodies will not be considered.


The main objective of RIEcim is to promote and disseminate rigorous and innovative interdisciplinary research in the field of Science and Mathematics Education, contributing to the expansion and deepening of knowledge in this area.

Goals: 2023 to 2028

  1. Index RIEcim in the Latindex, AmeliCA, and Redalyc platforms.
  2. Establish a team of 100 ad hoc reviewers.
  3. Register all participants (authors, editorial team, and reviewers) in ORCID.
  4. Fully professionalize editing and layout.
  5. Convert articles into multiple formats, including HTML, XML, ePub, Viewer, and PDF/A.
  6. Expand the visibility of RIEcim both nationally and internationally.
  7. Ensure adequate funding, including RIEcim in the annual budget of PPGEcim.
  8. Include RIEcim in other databases, metric indexers, metadata indexers, and search engines.
  9. Create policies to encourage the submission of interdisciplinary works that integrate Science and Mathematics.
  10. Promote diversity among authors, reviewers, and editorial team members, representing different geographical regions, genders, ethnicities, and career stages.

Goals: 2028 to 2033

  1. Include RIEcim in the Scielo and Web of Science platforms.
  2. Index RIEcim in the Scopus database.
  3. Insert RIEcim into the SciELO database.


The mission of RIEcim is to promote and disseminate relevant and original scientific research in the field of Science and Mathematics Education, with a special focus on interdisciplinary works, encouraging diversity and representation among its authors and reviewers. RIEcim continuously seeks to improve the quality and visibility of its publications through professional editorial practices and indexing in recognized databases.


By 2033, the aim is to achieve international recognition for excellence in disseminating interdisciplinary research in the field of Science and Mathematics Education.


  1. Scientific rigor
  2. Relevance
  3. Ethics
  4. Transparency
  5. Integrity
  6. Open access
  7. Diversity and inclusion
  8. Quality peer review
  9. Credibility
  10. Sustainability

Scope and thematic coverage

RIEcim covers a broad range of topics, encompassing multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary areas in the field of Science and Mathematics Education. The journal is dedicated to investigating phenomena related to teaching, learning, and teacher training in disciplines such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Pedagogy. It covers all levels of education, from the early and final years of Elementary Education to High School, as well as different stages, phases, and modalities of Basic Education. Additionally, the journal also includes Higher Education and encompasses formal, non-formal, and informal spaces of education.

Target audience

RIEcim is aimed at three main groups of interest:

a) Faculty members and students in undergraduate courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Pedagogy.

b) Researchers (faculty members and students) in postgraduate courses in Science and Mathematics Education, as well as other programs in the Education field recognized by CAPES.

c) Teachers in Basic Education and Higher Education who teach subjects in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.


Starting in 2023, RIEcim adopted a continuous submission and publication policy for articles. Unlike the years 2021 and 2022 when the journal had a semi-annual frequency, researchers now have the freedom to submit their work at any time, without specific deadlines. Submitted articles undergo a rigorous peer review process, ensuring the quality and relevance of publications. Once approved, articles are promptly published in continuous editions, providing authors with a quick and efficient response during the publication process. This approach guarantees greater agility in disseminating research results, promoting continuous and up-to-date knowledge exchange.

National Scientific Council

The purpose of this council is to provide guidance and assistance to the Editors of RIEcim, whenever possible and necessary, aiming to ensure the quality of works published in the Portuguese language and compliance with the requirements for registration and maintenance of national indexes that contribute to the dissemination of the field of Science and Mathematics Teaching. Editors are responsible for seeking guidance and advice from the council. Council members have the authority to provide guidance, suggestions, and analysis of new situations in accordance with national standards of scientific research in the area.

International Scientific Council

The objective of this council is to provide guidance and assistance, whenever possible and necessary, to the Editors of RIEcim, aiming to ensure the quality of works published in English and Spanish languages, as well as compliance with the necessary requirements for registration and maintenance of international indexes that contribute to the dissemination of the field of Science and Mathematics Teaching. Editors are responsible for seeking support and advice from the members of this council, requesting guidance and advice regarding decisions related to the journal, in accordance with international standards of scientific research in the area.

Ad hoc Reviewers

RIEcim has a team of registered ad hoc reviewers, consisting of doctors and active researchers in the field of Education/Teaching in Science and Mathematics, all affiliated with higher education institutions, either in undergraduate or postgraduate programs. After the completion of each evaluation, the responsible editor immediately sends a thank-you note to the reviewer for their assessment. Furthermore, RIEcim aims to promote innovation and the training of new reviewers and researchers, allowing the participation of master's students and graduates of the program as reviewers, recognizing the importance of stimulating this activity during master's training.

Registration of new ad hoc reviewers

To register as an ad hoc reviewer in RIEcim, you must meet the following basic conditions:

  1. Hold a Ph.D. degree in the area of Education or Teaching recognized by CAPES/MEC, preferably with a focus on Science and Mathematics Teaching.
  2. Be actively engaged in a stricto sensu postgraduate program in the area of Education or Teaching recognized by CAPES/MEC, preferably with a concentration in Science and Mathematics Teaching.
  3. Have experience as a reviewer for journals in the area of Education or Teaching, having conducted at least two evaluations.

If you meet these conditions, simply fill out and submit the online form available to request registration as an ad hoc reviewer in RIEcim: https://forms.gle/CCihmFFnb9CYXkQZ6

ORCID Registration (mandatory)

In order to meet international standards for scientific publishing, the editorial team of RIEcim has established the mandatory inclusion of ORCID during the submission process of any text to the journal, as indicated in the Article Template. Editors, members of the Scientific Councils and Committees, and ad hoc reviewers are also required to provide their ORCID number in their profiles. ORCID can be quickly and freely created through the following link: https://orcid.org/register.

Principles of Transparency

RIEcim adopts the following principles of transparency, expanding on the original text:

  1. Corrections and Errata: In cases where corrections are necessary for articles already published, RIEcim will promptly provide an erratum, which will be published immediately after the corrected publication. This approach ensures transparency and the correction of any errors.
  2. Openness and Accountability: RIEcim seeks to be open in showing both positive and negative aspects related to the journal's performance. This posture aims to ensure accountability to readers, authors, reviewers, and editors, providing a transparent view of the journal's activities and results.
  3. Ethics and Transparency: Transparency is considered a fundamental ethical principle in RIEcim. The journal is committed to conducting its activities with integrity and transparency, adopting transparent publication practices and following the ethical guidelines established in the field of Science and Mathematics Teaching.
  4. Provision of Relevant Information: RIEcim is committed to providing information of interest to readers, authors, reviewers, and editors. This information is made available in a clear and accessible manner, respecting the privacy policy and maintaining the confidentiality of personal data.
  5. Compliance with Policies: RIEcim maintains an unwavering commitment to the strict compliance with its policies. This includes compliance with editorial guidelines, peer review policies, publication deadlines, and all standards established to ensure the quality and integrity of published articles.

Through these principles of transparency, RIEcim aims to establish a relationship of trust with its readers, authors, reviewers, and editors, promoting transparency and quality at all stages of the publication process.


In order to make the journal available online and expand the dissemination of published research, RIEcim does not adopt subscriptions or print versions. All issues of the journal are freely available on its website, and readers can access, archive, and download them at no cost. This approach aims to facilitate access to and sharing of content, promoting the wide dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Teaching.

Fees for Submission and Publication of Texts

RIEcim does not require payment of fees for submission and processing of articles. The journal adopts an open access policy and does not charge APCs (Article Processing Charges). This means that authors can submit their texts for free and, if accepted for publication, are not required to pay any fees to have their articles made available to readers. RIEcim values the principle of open access, allowing research results to be widely accessible and promoting the democratization of scientific knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Teaching.

About PPGecim/UFNT

The Program of Graduate Studies in Science and Mathematics Teaching (PPGecim) has the following objectives:

  1. Train teachers in the fields of Science and Mathematics to propose innovative solutions in teaching and learning.
  2. Promote scientific debate and research in Science and Mathematics Teaching.
  3. Conduct educational research in Basic Education and Higher Education.
  4. Improve the qualification of professionals in theoretical, methodological, epistemological, ontological, philosophical, and technological terms.
  5. Train professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills to produce knowledge in the areas of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
  6. Promote the connection between graduate studies, undergraduate education, and basic education in scientific dissemination.
  7. Stimulate the debate about the role of Biological, Physical, Chemical, and Mathematical Sciences in technological society and the environment.

The concentration area of the program is Science and Mathematics Teaching, which encompasses projects and research related to Natural Sciences and Mathematics, focusing on teaching and learning at different levels of education. The research lines address topics such as curriculum organization, cognitive, affective, and motivational processes in teaching and learning, relationships between scientific/school knowledge and cultural knowledge, and historical-epistemological reflection on teaching in formal and non-formal spaces.

The profile of PPGecim's graduate is that of a professional with a research-based education, integrating disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge in the fields of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The program aims to provide scientific depth, develop research skills, and prepare graduates for an academic career. Additionally, it aims to qualify the research teacher in basic education and higher education, promoting educational processes in Science and Mathematics aligned with contemporary demands. The formation of the teacher-researcher contributes to the development of Science and Mathematics Teaching, with an emphasis on the northern region, through interdisciplinary approaches and theoretical and methodological exchanges among the mentioned areas.

PPGecim Link: https://ww2.uft.edu.br/ppgecim


Federal University of North of Tocantins (UFNT)

Federal University of Tocantins (UFT)

Historical of the Journal

The history of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Science and Mathematics Teaching (RIEcim) is marked by dialogue, meetings, and objectives aimed at promoting the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge, demonstrating the strength and potential of the northern region of Brazil. This democratic and collaborative trajectory began in mid-2019, during a meeting of the collegial board of the Program of Graduate Studies in Science and Mathematics Teaching (PPGEcim/UFT), where the idea of creating a scientific journal emerged. In the same year, a meeting was held with Prof. Dr. Braz Batista Vas to discuss the paths and editorial policies for the creation of another journal at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT).

In the year 2020, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation measures, we continued our struggle, even in a virtual way, to materialize the idea of creating a high-quality scientific journal linked to the Program of Graduate Studies in Science and Mathematics Teaching (PPGEcim/UFT). Thus, in constant dialogue with all members of the PPGEcim collegial board, we collectively decided the name of the journal and its editorial policies. At this historical moment of the journal, it is important to highlight the relevant contribution of Prof. Dr. Gecilane Ferreira in coordinating and articulating this process.

After these stages that reveal the origin of the journal, we requested the creation of RIEcim's visual identity from the Superintendence of Communication (Sucom), the Institutional Advertising Sector of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT). The logo created exclusively for this journal is composed of two main elements: 1 - A book/journal representing education; 2 - A Blue Macaw representing the Legal Amazon.

Currently, when looking at the historical context of RIEcim, we can observe significant advances and achievements, such as obtaining ISSN, assigning DOI to publications, increasing the indexation rate, national and international recognition, and consolidating the journal as a prominent Brazilian journal in the field of Science and Mathematics Education.