Qualidade de vida e equilíbrio de idosas praticantes de hidroginástica de um Programa de Atividades Físicas e Esportivas


  • Daniele Bueno Godinho Ribeiro Universidade Federal do Tocantins




Elderly. Quality of Life. Balance Hydrogynastic.



Introduction: hydrogynas provides a better quality of life in relation to the benefits it offers the elderly, providing a healthier and more active life for this population. In addition, the regular practice of physical activity is directly linked to balance. Objective: to analyze the quality of life and the balance of the elderly participants in water aerobics of the Program of Physical and Sports Activities, of the city of Gurupi-TO. Methodology: the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Berg Balance Scale (BSE) were applied to 19 elderly women (67.47 ± 5.66) regular water aerobics practitioners in the Physical and Sports Activities Program at city of Gurupi in Tocantins. Results: with the exception of the emotional aspects with a mean of 40.3, the scores found in the SF-36 were considered satisfactory in other domains: physical aspects (60.5), pain (64), general health status (79.8), vitality (62.6), social aspects (77.1), and mental health (75.7). In relation to BSE, an excellent result was obtained (53.7 ± 2.05). Conclusion: Although they do not have a good emotional aspect, elderly women practicing water aerobics in the Physical and Sports Activity Program of the city of Gurupi/Tocantins/Brasil,have a good quality of life and an excellent balance.


Keywords: Elderly. Quality of Life. Balance Hydrogynastic.








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How to Cite

Godinho Ribeiro, D. B. (2018). Qualidade de vida e equilíbrio de idosas praticantes de hidroginástica de um Programa de Atividades Físicas e Esportivas. Brazilian Archives of Physical Education, 1(1), 167–175. https://doi.org/10.20873/abef.v1i1.6239

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