

Place, Teaching, Araguaia River, Students, Drawings


The aim of this article is to discuss the teaching of the category of place, seeking to analyze the drawings and itineraries constructed by 8th and 9th grade students at the Oneide da Cruz Mousinho Full-Time School located in the city of Araguatins, in the north of the state of Tocantins. Analysis of the drawings allowed us to identify the objects and meanings highlighted by the students through their explanations of their itineraries, places and daily lives in Araguatins.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Raimundo Nonato Rodrigues da Silva, Federal University of Tocantins

Graduated with a full degree in Geography from the State University of Pará (UEPA) in 2018. He has a specialization in the area of teaching Geography in the Amazon at UEPA in 2019. He currently works as a Geography and History teacher in the state's public network from Tocantins. He has experience in the area of human sciences, with an emphasis on geography.

Eliseu Pereira de Brito, Federal University of Northern Tocantins

I have a Bachelor's degree and a Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Tocantins. He has a master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Grande Dourados. PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Goiás. Leader of the GEGATO Research Group - Group of Geographical Studies of the Amazon and Tocantins and Researcher at the Center for Urban, Agrarian and Regional Studies - NURBA/UFT. External Researcher at LABOTER/UFG. Develops research on "Territory and territorialities of riverside communities in the Legal Amazon - Tocantins" and on "Bioeconomy of Amazonian peoples". Develops readings in the Study Group on "places" in Jöel Bonnemaison". He is currently Associate Professor of the Geography Course at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT). Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Geography (PPGeo) at UFNT. Professor of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program, Masters in Geography UFT - Porto Nacional.

Kelly Cristine Fernandes de Oliveira Bessa, Federal University of Tocantins

He holds a degree in Geography (Bachelor's and Degree) from the Federal University of Uberlândia (1996), a Master's degree in Geography from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2001) and a PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2007). She is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Tocantins in the Geography Courses (Bachelor's and Bachelor's Degree), in the Postgraduate Program in Geography (Master's), Porto Nacional campus, and participation in the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences (Master's Degree). and Doctorate), Palmas campus. She has experience in the area of Geography, with an emphasis on Urban Geography, Regional Geography and Urban-Regional Planning.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Gabriel Raimundo Nonato Rodrigues da; BRITO, Eliseu Pereira de; BESSA, Kelly Cristine Fernandes de Oliveira. ON LAND AND WATER, THE PLACES DESIGNED BY STUDENTS IN ARAGUATINS – TOCANTINS. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 30, p. 43–62, 2024. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufnt.edu.br/index.php/geografia/article/view/18911. Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.

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