Chemistry Education, Novo Ensino Médio, PCKAbstract
In the realm of exploring the role of educators, the significance of essential knowledge sets crucial to the teaching profession, extensively researched within academia, stands out. This article delves into the domain of Chemistry education, investigating the outlooks and expectations of a cohort of educators who joined Mato Grosso's state education network (SEDUC-MT) through a public competition (2017/1), amid the advent of the Novo Ensino Médio (NEM). The study seeks to uncover: How do the perspectives, experiences, and personal journeys of Chemistry teachers from SEDUC/MT in Cuiabá shape their professional growth as they describe their teaching practices within the framework of the Novo Ensino Médio? The research adopts a narrative methodology, facilitating a nuanced exploration of both individual and collective narratives among educators. Data collection includes semi-structured interviews, providing a platform for educators to share insights and reflections on how changes in the NEM curriculum and methodologies impact their teaching approaches. The analysis employs Discursive Textual Analysis, not only scrutinizing the explicit content of narratives but also revealing the social contexts and underlying meanings inherent in the pedagogical practices discussed. This study aspires to advance discourse on basic education curriculum and contribute to the formulation of public policies aimed at enhancing teacher education. Furthermore, it aims to delve into the intricate interplay of essential knowledge crucial to pedagogical practice, such as Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) outlined by Shulman, in a manner that is both contextually grounded and idiosyncratic.
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