Teaching Physics, Learning, Education of Young People, Adults and ElderlyAbstract
This text aims to report the experience of teaching thermometric and heat scales in Physics teaching. Thus, it presents some approaches to temperatures in Physics teaching, taking into account the social context of students, in addition to discussing how these concepts are addressed in the official documents that govern Brazilian basic education. Therefore, the methodology adopted was a qualitative approach, which deals with the development of the subjects involved. Thus, it was applied in a high school unit in the State of Bahia, in the Identity Territory of Piedmont North of Itapicuru with students studying Youth and Adult Education (EJA), Stage VII - 3rd grade. 20 students participated in the teaching practice. Therefore, after applying and analyzing the discussions, it can be seen how Physics teaching applied to the social context contributes to the development of students' learning. In conclusion, it can be said that didactic practice applied to social contexts has great relevance for EJA students.
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