


Planning, Modifications, Intervention, Urban Segregation


The present work has as its theme the study on urban segregation of the residential neighborhood Vila Jardim Mato Grosso - Pedra Preta - MT. With objective, the search and understanding about the functioning of urban planning and its intervention in the configuration of the urban landscape of the village through the analysis in which it was proposed.  This part of the need to observe the organization of the urban space of Vila Jardim Mato Grosso, arises from the need for observations together with the society that lives there, one that has been willing a whole option to structure this organization efficiently and appropriate ly to the needs of the locality. Despite this the space is still structured in a notoriously chaotic way, in which it shows problems both in the social sphere, represented by the lack of urban infrastructure and lack of basic services among them, health, asphalt, housing, safety, rain drainage, sewage treatment, as well as environmental the same being observed by the erosions, landslides, floods since its emergence, soil compaction and etc. The qualitative method is pointing to qualitative research, in the hypothetical deductive method, in which it allowed the interviewed subjects to issue their opinions on the topic under discussion. To mention the questions, we seek to answer with this research in which a theoretical-conceptual survey was made based on the theoretical assumptions of several authors that deal with the theme addressed, as well as norms, in addition to field research . 

Author Biographies

Aires José Pereira, Federal University of Mato Grosso

Associate Professor II of the Geography course and the Master's in Management and Environmental Technology at UFR. Aires José Pereira is a graduate and specialist at UFMT – Campus de Rondonópolis, Master in Urban Planning at FAU-UnB, Doctor in Urban Geography at the Federal University of Uberlândia. Aires José Pereira has published several books and articles, is co-author of the Official Anthem of Rondonópolis – MT, is an effective member of the Academia de Letras de Araguaína and Norte Tocantinense. For 34 years, he has been teaching basic and higher education, as well as postgraduate courses. He taught classes in municipal, state and private schools in Rondonópolis and Tangará da Serra – MT. Since 2004, he has been a federal professor at UFT – Campus de Araguaína, UFMT – Campus de Rondonópolis and UFR. He has experience in the area of ​​Urban and Regional Planning, with an emphasis on Urban, Environmental and Regional Planning, working mainly on the following topics: disproportionate expansion of the urban perimeter, readings of urban landscapes, medium-sized cities, environmental education, environmental management, teaching of Geography, Poetic interdisciplinarity, urbanization, etc.

Paulo Ricardo Silva Pereira , Federal University of Rondonopolis

graduated in Geography from UFR, is a professor at the Municipal Network of Rondonópolis – MT, is completing a degree in Pedagogy from UNIUBE and a postgraduate degree in Environmental Management from UNIASSELVI.

Max Roberto de Oliveira , Federal University of Rondonopolis

Holds a degree from the Federal University of Mato Grosso - Campus de Rondonópolis (2020) and a master's degree in Geography in the area of ​​GEOTECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS at the same institution (2022). He has a specialization in Environmental Geography by the unique Faculty of Ipatinga (2021). Graduated in Pedagogy from Faculdade Único de Ipatinga and Faculdade Prominas (2023). He is a teacher in Basic Education in the municipal network of Rondonópolis and in the state education network in the State of Mato Grosso.


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How to Cite

PEREIRA, Aires José; PEREIRA , Paulo Ricardo Silva; OLIVEIRA , Max Roberto de. STUDY ON URBAN SEGREGATION IN THE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD JARDIM MATO GROSSO – PEDRA PRETA – MATO GROSSO. Tocantinense Journal of Geography, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 27, p. 196–219, 2023. DOI: 10.20873/rtg.v12i27.15298. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 sep. 2024.

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