Astronomy, Model, Didactic SequenceAbstract
In this article, I present a proposal for a didactic sequence – SD associated with the use of tactile-visual models on the theme “Seasons of the Year”, based on Universal Learning Design – DUA. For this purpose, a theoretical rescue was carried out regarding the central themes that guide the elaboration of a SD, to meet the educational needs of students with and without visual impairment. As it is a theoretical study, the overall objective was to suggest a sequence of activities that enhance the dialogical relationship between the content “seasons of the year” and the tactile-visual perception of students in the classroom. The results of this research turned into a report of a very important experience, whereby it is understood that for the didactic sequence to be able to promote a meaningful dialogue with the concepts involved, it is necessary that its format, in addition to being supported by the UDL, take into account the assertive use of the chosen materials and their meanings, in the elaboration of the didactic resources.
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