About the Journal


The Brazilian Journal of Rural Education (Countryside Education), continuous publication, publishes original articles resulting from theoretical and/or empirical research thematic, reviews of educational research literature, essays, Letter to Editor and reviews of topics related to the Rural Education (Countryside Education) in different fields of research, such as the Rural Education (Countryside Education) History; Social Movements; Public Policies; Indigenous Peoples and Education; Teacher Training; Youth and Adult Rural Education (Countryside Education); Didactic and Pedagogical Practices in Arts and Music; Art in Rural Education (Countryside Education); Interculturalism in Rural Education (Countryside Education); Pedagogy of Alternation; Land Reform and Peasantry.

The Journal's mission is to be a international qualified scientific communication instrument that fosters important debates in the educational field, especially in the Rural Education area of Brazilians and foreign researchers, for national and international scientific progress in the field and for producing knowledge.

The Brazilian Journal of Rural Education (Countryside Education) is a publication of the Department of Rural Education (Countryside Education), Bachelor course of Rural Education (Countryside Education) and specialization course in Arts and Music of the Federal University of Tocantins, Tocantinópolis city, Brazil. It publishes papers in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. The journal receives manuscripts in continuous flow. It is an open access Scientific Journal. No charges - no fees - of manuscript submission and publication - no APCs.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., which should be used in bibliographies when citing the journal.



All papers submitted to the journal will be analyzed by the Editorial Review Staff, aimed at checking the compliance with the guidelines and the journal's scope. If approved this first step, the text will be designated to two reviewers (Blind Review) with Research Knowledge in the area who will suggest its acceptance or not, aiming at the scientific manuscript quality and relevant contribution to the field of  Education.

The deadline for acceptance or rejection response of manuscripts submitted to journal may vary according to the process of assessments, in which the reviewers may request modifications and/or corrections to be made in the texts.


The reviewer guidelines of the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education are:

  1. Relevance and contribution to the theme area of scientific and educational research international;
  2. Clear language and coherence of the article;
  3. Relationship between the theme and the theoretical foundation;
  4. Consistency in data analysis and argumentation;
  5. Use of appropriate and updated national and international bibliography.



The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.



In order to meet the current standards of scientific publishing in the international community regarding the authorship of published articles, the editorial team made it mandatory to include the ORCID during the process of submission of any article to the Journal. The ORCID can be created quickly and free of charge at the link: https://orcid.org/register.



[EN] The Brazilian Journal of Rural Education will follow the guidelines contained in the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), not accepting plagiarism. If any conduct of plagiarism is identified in the manuscripts received, they will be treated according to the COPE guidelines. More information at website: http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts

If any practices of plagiarism or scientific misconduct (falsification of data, authorship, etc.) are identified, the journal will follow the guidelines contained in the COPE. In addition, it will ask the author to do the retraction, and may be published in the journal itself and request the exclusion of the article from the journal, as well as its removal from the index's databases.




  1. Editors:
  • contribute to improving the journal quality, in order to guarantee the scientific quality of the texts published in it and their accordance with the Guidelines and Scope of the journal;
  • clarify any doubts that may eventually arise from revisers, evaluators, authors and readers regarding the content of the journal, such as publications, evaluations, article calls and other journal information;
  • contribute to the scientific quality in the area of Rural Education and education in general;
  • avoid ethics and conduct deviations in the journal that could prejudice good practices for scientific research;
  • editors shall, where necessary, publish corrections, retractions, and clarifications to the academic community regarding untruthful publications and/or or distorted or misleading information presented by the authors, with rigor to scientific truth and respect for the academic community;
  • identify bad conduct and avoid the publication of documents in which some kind of plagiarism, citation or data manipulation, falsification of data, have been identified.
  1. Authors:
  • The authors must avoid any practice that would lead to scientific misconduct, such as plagiarism and auto-plagiarism, manipulation of research data and information, fraud in the research and authorship of texts, as well as any other practice that infringes ethics in the academic/scientific research. Otherwise, the journal reserves the right to, in addition to taking appropriate legal measures, delete permanently from the journal the text published presenting such practices;
  • promote the democratic debate in the journal, independently on beliefs, institutions, localities, among others, guided by respect for all involved;
  • mention funding agencies that financed or finance the research published in the journal;
  • comply with the journal guidelines and publication standards before submitting any work to the journal;
  • describe the contribution of each author in the research development and writing of the article.
  1. Revisers/Evaluators:
  • touch upon ethics during the evaluations carried out in the manuscripts received by the journal;
  • follow the assessment criteria informed by the journal, in the Journal Guidelines;
  • ensure the scientific quality and evaluation criteria of the journal;
  • ensure the confidentiality of the material evaluated;
  • in case of any conflict of interest in the evaluations, revisers and evaluators should inform the journal editors.
  1. Conflict of interests:
  • in case of conflict of interests between editors, revisers, evaluators and authors that cannot be resolved by the journal editors, the final decision will be made by the Collegiate of the Course of Rural Education, at the Federal University of Tocantins, Campus of Tocantinópolis, Department to which the RBEC is associated.
  1. Compliance with the Ethics and Conduct Codes:
  • authors, evaluators/reviewers, editors and editorial staff of the journal shall comply with these Ethics and Conduct Codes.

The Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, in addition to encouraging scientific research that may contribute to the national and international academic debate, will inform readers of any information regarding publications, articles calls, journal contents and/or other relevant information to the academic and scientific community, aiming to encourage the democratic debate in this journal, based on respect for all those involved.

Principles of Transparency

If it is necessary to make any corrections requested by the author in an article already published in the journal, the journal will make a mistake that will be published soon after the corrected publication.

The journal does not currently work on advertising and, if you work in the future, this section will describe your advertising policy, indicating the types of ads to consider, their authorizations, content to be served by the ads, and how they are displayed . It's important to note that ads will not be tied to editors' decisions.



We inform that the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education adopts the Continuous Publication. The objective is to accelerate the publication of articles received, evaluated, reviewed and approved by the journal, within each volume.



[EN] The Brazilian Journal of Rural Education is an electronic journal of free and open access, continuous publication, from the Federal University of Tocantins, campus Tocantinópolis, Brazil.



This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that freely available scientific knowledge to the public supports a greater global democratization of knowledge.

This is an open access journal, which means that all content is available free of charge to the user or his institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link the full texts of articles, or use them for any other legal purpose, without prior permission from the editor or author. This statement is in accordance with the BOAI's definition of open access.



This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file system through the participating libraries and it allows them to create permanent journal files for preservation and restoration.



[EN] Proposal for Copyright Notice Creative Commons

  1. Policy Proposal to Open Access Journals

Authors who publish with this journal agree with the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows sharing the work with the recognition of its initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to take on additional contracts separately, with non-exclusive distribution of the paper version published in this journal (e.g.: publish in an institutional repository or as a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g.: in institutional repositories or on their website) at any point before or during the editorial process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as increase the impact and the citation of published work (See the Effect of Open Access).






Clarivate Analytics (Emerging Sources Citation Index) - OBS. Pesquisar pelo ISSN da revista

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Portal de Periódicos da CAPES






ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)

Hinari (Research for Health)

AGORA Journals


FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations







Diretório de Periódicos Nacionais em Educação



Index Copernicus




Google Acadêmico (Google Scholar)

EZ3/Eletronic Journals Library

MIAR (Universitat de Barcelona)

Actualidad Iberoamericana (Indice Internacional de Revistas)

PKP (Public Knowledge Project)

Dataverse Harvard




La Referência


Libraries (University of Minnesota)

WorldCat (OCLC)







LIVIVO (ID=1002342)

Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) (2866207-6)

ZDB OPAC (2866207-6)

E-Lis (Repository E-Prints in Library & Information Science)

ResearcH - Directorio de Revistas (Journals & Authors)



Livre (Revistas de Livre Acesso)

Research Bib (Academic Resource Index)

Scilit (The Scientific Literature Database)

Science Library Index

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