The contribution of the Alternation Pedagogy and the young professional project in the life projects of young graduates of the EFA in Jaguaré/ES


  • Eric de Oliveira Escola Família Agrícola de Jaguaré / Movimento de Educação Promocional do Espírito Santo - MEPES
  • Mônica Aparecida Del Rio Benevenuto Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ



In this article, we seek verify the contribution of the alternation pedagogy in the projects of working life of the students that concluded the Technical course in Farming in the Agricultural Family School of Jaguaré. We exposed part of a research developed through a temporal clipping between the years of 2011 and 2016, where we investigated the young graduates of the EFA (abbreviation for Agricultural Family School in Portuguese) in that interval, upon their free and voluntary participation as subjects of this analysis. The objective was to investigate the reality of these young people where we specifically sought to understand if they put in practice the Young Professional Project (final work of the Technical Course in Farming) in their properties seeking professional autonomy; verify the permanence or not in the countryside, as well as the continuity of the same ones in the studies. The results showed that the young people put the projects into practice, continued their studies and remained in the countryside, maintaining themselves economically through agricultural activities with their families and other young people. In this context, we noticed that the Alternation Pedagogy has stood out in the development of the integral formation of rural young people, who have experienced this pedagogy. The conclusion points out challenges and propositions regarding the possibilities of advancement in the countryside of projects in family agriculture.


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Author Biographies

Eric de Oliveira, Escola Família Agrícola de Jaguaré / Movimento de Educação Promocional do Espírito Santo - MEPES

Mestre em Educação pela UFRRJ, Especialista em Gestão da Educação pela FANAN, Geografia e Educação Ambiental pela Faculdade Candido Mendes, Gestão Pública e Gestão Ambiental pelo IFES, Graduado em Tecnologia Agronômica com Habilitação em Administração Rural pela UNESC e Licenciatura Plena em Geografia pela UNIUBE. Professor e Diretor da Escola Família Agrícola de Jaguaré, já atuou como coordenador de Estágio, Pedagógico e Agropecuário.

Mônica Aparecida Del Rio Benevenuto, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ

Professora Titular da UFRRJ. Economista Doméstica (UFRRJ/1989), mestre em Desenvolvimento Agrícola (CPDA/UFRRJ/1993) e doutora em Ciências Sociais/Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade (CPDA/ UFRRJ/2003). Atua na graduação e Pós-Graduação – PPGEA. Temas: Famílias, gênero e geração; juventudes; Educação do campo; Extensão rural, Cooperativismo solidário.  Líder do grupo de pesquisa "Família, educação e dimensões sociais”/CNPq.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, E. de, & Benevenuto, M. A. D. R. (2019). The contribution of the Alternation Pedagogy and the young professional project in the life projects of young graduates of the EFA in Jaguaré/ES. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 4, e7245.



Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil