Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says


  • Pedro Puig-Calvó Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - UIC / Association Internationale des Mouvements Familiaux de Formation Rurale - AIMFR, Spain
  • Claudia Gagnon Université de Sherbrooke - Quebec, Canadá
  • Janinha Gerke Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES



The year 2019 marks a milestone in Brazilian Education, particularly in training experiences in Rural Education, on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Alternating Cycle Education. Created in France and brought to Espírito Santo by a Jesuit priest, it was developed by peasants who considered the different realities of our country, as an educational counter-hegemonic possibility, mixing school training with work experience, sense of belonging to the land and cultural identities. From this perspective, the Association of Family Movements for Rural Education (AIMFR) and the research groups CNPq / UFES Field Cultures, Partnerships and Rural Education, and the International Research on Dual-Alternating Cycle System at Sherbrooke University, Canada, propose to the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education the creation of a file. This is an opportunity to gather, in this important journal, a plurality of discussions and investigative results that emerge from the praxis of teachers and researchers, working with Alternating Cycle Education in Brazil, Canada, Spain, Cameroon, Italy and France. We believe this to be a chance for reflection, problematization and sharing of good experiences, considering the numerous challenges of the current scenario. It is not a contemplative article, but a reflective and problematic one, with a living and dynamic exercise, produced by historically situated subjects, who place themselves in the field of resistance, thus thinking about contexts and rising possibilities. In this sense, the research now shared emerges from the most diverse experiences - from basic to higher education - revealing us the transgressor potential of Alternating Cycle. To recognize this diversity of practices is also to affirm that Alternating Cycle Education, created in Brazilian lands 50 years ago, is today part of the Brazilian Education Heritage and, as such, figures in law and public policies. However, this historical and social journey also poses challenges that arise in the very movement of transformation of society and ways of life, work and production. Facing such challenges and keeping on with the struggle are central flags in the production of new and different meanings for Training by Alternating Cycle, without diverging from its pillars, its mediations and/or educational instruments and, above all, while strengthening its political emancipation, transforming agent of realities and their subjects. For this, we thank the Brazilian Journal of Rural Education for granting us this space which, in turn, translates into an action of visibility of the knowledge’s and practices of Alternating Cycle Education. We chose to organize the 26 texts in three big thematic groups: firstly, articles that talk about the history of alternating cycle education and its intertwining with field education; secondly, epistemological principles and analysis of mediations or pedagogical instruments, with texts that specifically discuss alternating cycle education in the training of educators-teachers-monitors in the field; and finally, we bring researches about different experiences in basic school education and others. What national and international researches on Alternating Cycle Education in these last 50 years of history show us, is an invitation to the knowledge produced by subjects who act, reflect and problematize praxis through scientific research.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Puig-Calvó, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - UIC / Association Internationale des Mouvements Familiaux de Formation Rurale - AIMFR, Spain

Pedro Puig-Calvó (nascido em 3 de abril de 1955) é professor universitário em Ciências da Educação na Universidade Internacional de Catalunha- Barcelona (Espanha). Seu trabalho faz parte do campo da educação em alternância especialmente no meio rural e da formação, de formadores. Atualmente e Secretario Geral da AIMFR Associação Internacional dos Movimentos Familiares de Formação Rural) e coordenador da equipa pedagógica internacional. Colabora no departamento de formação de Fondation ONDJYLA e pesquisador no sistema da formação por alternância. Autor de livros e artigos sobre educação e desenvolvimento.

Pedro Puig-Calvó (né le 3 avril 1955) est professeur universitaire en sciences de l'éducation à l'Université internationale de Catalogne-Barcelone (Espagne). Son travail s'inscrit dans le domaine de l'alternance scolaire notamment en milieu rural et de la formation des formateurs. Il est actuellement Secrétaire Général de l'AIMFR (Association Internationale des Mouvements Familiaux de Formation Rurale) et coordinateur de l'équipe pédagogique internationale. Collabore au département formation de la Fondation ONDJYLA et chercheur en alternance. Auteur d'ouvrages et d'articles sur l'éducation et le développement.

Claudia Gagnon, Université de Sherbrooke - Quebec, Canadá

Claudia Gagnon, Ph.D., é professora titular da Faculdade de Educação da Université de Sherbrooke em Quebec, Canadá, onde é responsável por estágios e treinamento prático no Bacharelado em Educação Profissional. Atualmente, é diretora do Grupo internacional de pesquisa e reflexão sobre alternância (GIIRA) y pesquisadora do Centro de Pesquisa Interuniversitária em Treinamento e Profissão Docente (CRIFPE), dentro do grupo Qualificação e Integração Socioprofissional de Jovens Adultos em Quebec (QISAQ) e do Rede de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de pesquisas para o bem-estar e sucesso em um contexto de diversidade (REVERBÈRE). Sua pesquisa se concentra na formação em alternância e, mais especificamente, nas práticas de professores e estagiários, particularmente no que diz respeito ao apoio ao estagiário, treinamento vocacional no nível secundário e treinamento universitário para o ensino. Ela também trabalha no apoio a alunos com necessidades especiais em treinamento vocacional.

Claudia Gagnon, Ph.D., es profesora titular en el Colegio de Educación de la Universidad de Sherbrooke en Quebec, Canadá, donde es responsable de pasantías y capacitación práctica en el Bachillerato en Educación Profesional. Actualmente es directora del Grupo Internacional de Investigación y Reflexión sobre Alternancia (GIIRA) e investigadora del Centro Interuniversitario de Investigación sobre Formación y Profesión Docente (CRIFPE), dentro de la Capacitación e Integración Socioprofesional de Jóvenes Adultos en Quebec (QISAQ) y la Red Investigación y desarrollo Investigación para el bienestar y el éxito en un contexto de diversidad (REVERBÈRE). Su investigación se centra en la formación en alternancia y, más específicamente, en las prácticas de docentes y aprendices, particularmente en lo que respecta al apoyo a los alumnos, la formación profesional en el nivel secundario y la formación universitaria para la enseñanza. Ella también trabaja para apoyar a los estudiantes con necesidades especiales en la formación profesional.

Janinha Gerke, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - UFES

Doutora em Educação. Professora da Licenciatura em Educação do Campo, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Membro do grupo de pesquisa Cnpq/UFES Culturas, Parcerias e Educação do Campo e do grupo de investigação internacional do Sistema Dual-Alternância, Universidade de Sherbrooke/Canadá.


Como citar este Editorial / How to cite this Editorial


Puig-Calvó, P., Gagnon, C., & Gerke, J. (2019). Dossiê Temático: 50 anos da Alternância no Brasil: o que dizem as pesquisas nacionais e internacionais. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., 4, e8135. DOI:


PUIG-CALVÓ, P.; GAGNON, C.; GERKE, J. Dossiê Temático: 50 anos da Alternância no Brasil: o que dizem as pesquisas nacionais e internacionais. Rev. Bras. Educ. Camp., Tocantinópolis, v. 4, e8135, 2019. DOI:



How to Cite

Puig-Calvó, P., Gagnon, C., & Gerke, J. (2019). Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil: what national and international research says. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 4, e8135.



Thematic Dossier: 50 years of Alternating Cycle in Brazil