English as a second language: helping international students get ready for college in the U.S.





Inglês como segunda língua: ajuda a estudantes estrangeiros a se prepararem para a universidade nos Estados Unidos

RESUMO. Descreve o programa de inglês como segunda língua (ESL) na Southern Arkansas University e seu sucesso em ajudar estudantes estrangeiros a aprimorar suas habilidades na língua inglesa e facilitar uma transição suave para os programas de graduação e pós-graduação da universidade. O artigo analisa todos os componentes do programa, concentrando-se principalmente em seu currículo e métodos instrucionais que abordam todas as principais habilidades linguísticas (ouvir, falar, ler e escrever) e outras habilidades relacionadas à gramática, vocabulário e pronúncia.

Palavras-chave: Inglês, Linguagem, Aprendizagem.


English as a second language: helping international students get ready for college in the U.S.

ABSTRACT. Describes the English as a Second Language (ESL) program at Southern Arkansas University and its success in aiding international students in improving their English language skills and facilitating a smooth transition to the university’s degree programs. The paper looks at all the components of the program mainly focusing on its curriculum and methods of instruction that address all of the major language skills (listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing) and competences (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation).

Keywords: English, Language, Learning.


Inglés como segunda lengua: ayuda a estudiantes extranjeros a prepararse para la universidad en los Estados Unidos de América                                                 

RESUMEN. Describe el programa de Inglés Como Segunda Lengua (ESL) en Southern Arkansas University y su éxito al ayudar a los estudiantes extranjeros a mejorar sus habilidades en el idioma inglés y facilitar una transición suave a los programas de pregrado y posgrado de la universidad. Analiza todos los componentes del programa, centrándose principalmente en su plan de estudios y métodos de instrucción que abordan todas las principales habilidades lingüísticas (comprensión auditiva, conversación, lectura y escritura) y competencias (gramática, vocabulario y pronunciación).

Palabras clave: Inglés, Lenguaje, Aprendizaje.


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Biografía del autor/a

Petr Kandidatov, Southern Arkansas University - United States

Director of ESL, DSO (Southern Arkansas University - United States).


Developing ESL curriculum
Choosing assessment tools and classroom materials
Teaching ESL classes
Testing ESL students (placement, progress, and exit tests)
Hiring and coaching staff for the ESL program
Advising ESL students
Performing DSO's functions (reviewing application documents, preparing acceptance documents, registering students in SEVIS, maintaining students' immigration records, etc.)
Recruiting ESL students
Promoting and advertising the ESL program (preparing and updating content for the website, planning and implementing marketing campaigns, attending recruiting events, working with recruiters, liaising with schools and universities overseas)

School: Southern Arkansas University
Degree: Master of Education (4.0 out of 4.0)
Major: Curriculum & Instruction with an emphasis in TESOL
Period of study: 2011 – 2013

School: Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU)
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude / 4.0 out of 4.0)
Major: Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures (English, German, Spanish)
Period of study: 2002 – 2007

Outstanding Graduate Student of the Department of Education at Southern Arkansas University (2012/2013 academic year)
Graduate assistantship (2011-2013 at Southern Arkansas University)
Featured in the “Best Moscow university graduates of 2007” directory
“Russian Intellectual Resources” program laureate (2007)
“Work & Travel USA” (2006) program participant (“Peak Perfect Punctuality Program Certificate of Appreciation” awarded by the employer)



Cómo citar

Kandidatov, P. (2019). English as a second language: helping international students get ready for college in the U.S. Revista Brasileña De Educación Rural, 4, e6877. https://doi.org/10.20873/uft.rbec.v4e6877