About the Journal


The Interdisciplinary Journal of Science and Mathematics Teaching (RIEcim) is a periodical linked to the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching (PPGEcim) at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins (UFNT). Its aim is to publish and disseminate research in the field of Science and Mathematics Teaching, covering a wide range of topics related to Science and Mathematics Education (Area 46), as classified by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

RIEcim accepts the submission of original scientific articles and experience reports written in Portuguese, English, and/or Spanish, which present the results of scientific research or experiences in teaching, learning, or professional practices in the field of Science and Mathematics Education. It is important to note that works submitted to RIEcim should not be simultaneously under evaluation by another journal or editorial body.

In this way, RIEcim aims to promote the dissemination of relevant and innovative studies, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Science and Mathematics Teaching. The journal is committed to quality and academic integrity, following best editorial practices at all stages of the publication process.

Qualis 2021-2024: Awaiting evaluation by CAPES
ISSN: 2764-2534
DOI Prefix: 10.20873


Chamada para publicação ainda neste ano de 2023 (com link do Card de divulgação)


Olá comunidade!

Temos o prazer de convidá-los para publicar no Dossiê temático "Políticas Públicas e programas federais na formação inicial e continuada de professores".

O Dossiê tem como objetivo compartilhar pesquisas e experiências de projetos/programas que contribuem para a formação inicial e continuada de professores de Ciências e Matemática.

Organizadoras do Dossiê especial da RIEcim

Card de divulgação: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zjEbevYpYndGqLuT9uvM_xm09AYYQ2n9/view?usp=sharing

Read more about Chamada para publicação ainda neste ano de 2023 (com link do Card de divulgação)

Current Issue

Vol. 4 (2024): Janeiro a dezembro - Fluxo Contínuo
					View Vol. 4 (2024): Janeiro a dezembro - Fluxo Contínuo
Published: 2024-01-10


Relatos de experiência

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