Rural Education degree in the Federal University of the Triângulo Mineiro: territory of contradictions




ABSTRACT. Since its establishment the Rural Education degree at the Federal University of the Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) is facing a number of challenges. One of the previously questions is about the existence or not of the target audience, mainly if the Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba have requirement for the course to continue. In this context, the present article presents a study that aimed to identify the training demands, considering above all the dimension of school education. The methodological perspective is diagnostic based on secondary data in a documental analysis. Carrying out this analysis, one of the first discrepancies that we can find is about the own meaning and demarcation of what is the field, within political, administrative and epistemological criteria that need to be problematized. The data suggest that the UFTM's region has, indeed, rural schools, lay teachers, and a struggle for land scenario that is usually silenced, obliterated and poorly understood. Concrete demands were found, not only with regard to the subjects, but also a context for further investigations required to give a new meaning to the territories of university performance.

Keywords: Mapping, Higher Education, Rural Education.


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