Investigation of the freireana thematic and the use of significant speech on teaching sciences: training of teachers graduated in Rural Education




ABSTRACT. This essay aims to carry out the Freireana Thematic research process (Freire, 1987), through the use of significant speech "I prefer to work outside the field and buy food, than plant, because it spends a lot to produce and has a pest" to obtain the generating theme in the context of a training of teachers of natural sciences, graduates with Degree in Field Education (LEDoC). The speech was obtained during the thematic research process provided by the Community Time (TC) survey, which took place in the Antônio Conselheiro settlement located in the municipality of Tangará da Serra in the state of Mato Grosso in 2015. As a methodology, the four initial stages of the Freirean Thematic Approach (Delizoicov, Angotti & Pernambuco, 2002), to support the structuring of this research. As results, we can highlight the possibility of the graduates of the course of LEDoC to experience the interdisciplinary work through the Freireana pedagogical praxis, made available by the definition of the generating theme and selection of contents structured through unifying concepts thought from the social contradictions identified in the researched settlement, while the selection of science content took place via three questions: What to teach? Who can teach? Why teach?


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Glaucia Sousa Moreno, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará - UNIFESSPA

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Moreno, G. S. (2020). Investigation of the freireana thematic and the use of significant speech on teaching sciences: training of teachers graduated in Rural Education. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 5, e6432.

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