The dissemination of rural associativism in the municipality of Quixeramobim: the experience of the São José Project




Associations. Participation. Sustainability.


ABSTRACT. The article analyzed the experience of rural associations in Quixeramobim, Ceará, financed by the São José Project (PSJ). The PSJ's mission is to fight rural poverty and improve the living conditions of the poorest populations by supporting subprojects for small rural producers organized in community associations. It was observed how the participatory strategies of social actors are implemented and negotiated in the different stages of the project – formulation, implementation and evaluation. The research was based on the case study carried out in the city of Quixeramobim, Ceará. Thus, a representative sample of four community associations in the locality was chosen: two with a level of community participation considered successful and another two with an unsatisfactory level of participation. For these reasons, the study questioned the sustainability and participation of the face-to-face and/or passive type. In addition, the experience revealed a certain top-down control, so that community demands were/are not always considered and respected when approved in the social base itself. That said, it is possible to say that the process of paternalism and political patronage in the release of community demands has not ceased.


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Author Biography

Antonio Cavalcante de Almeida, Instituto Federal do Ceará - IFCE

Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). Pós-Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Regional na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR). Atualmente é professor de Sociologia do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará [IFCE] Campus Fortaleza. Foi professor de Sociologia do Instituto Federal Catarinense [IFC] Campus Luzerna, bem como foi docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado em Educação do Instituto Federal Catarinense [IFC] Campus Camboriú.


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How to Cite

Cavalcante de Almeida, A. (2022). The dissemination of rural associativism in the municipality of Quixeramobim: the experience of the São José Project. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 7, e12596.

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