The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching


  • Iryna Sadova Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Balanutsa Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the State of Kuwait
  • Iryna Vialkova Mariupol State University, Ukraine
  • Oksana Voroshchuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine
  • Halyna Lemko Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine



O uso de tecnologias a distância na Educação do Campo no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino                                                                              

O objetivo principal do artigo é estudar as principais qualidades do uso de tecnologias à distância na educação rural no contexto da COVID-19 no contexto do desenvolvimento de um sistema de avaliação da qualidade do ensino. As tecnologias de ensino à distância e misto tornaram-se familiares ao sistema de Educação do Campo durante os anos da pandemia do coronavírus. O Serviço do Estado para a qualidade do ensino em diferentes países também adaptou as ferramentas para a realização de auditorias institucionais às condições de trabalho remoto ou trabalho parcialmente remoto. A adaptação requer a organização de atividades educativas rurais para que as instituições continuem a trabalhar de forma eficiente e eficaz, tanto em tempo integral como na aprendizagem online. Todos os componentes do sistema do processo educacional da Educação do Campo também devem ser alterados, inclusive encontrando novas formas de avaliar a qualidade do ensino.

Palavras-chave: pedagogia, qualidade do ensino, educação do campo, pandemia do coronavírus, educação à distância.


The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching

ABSTRACT. The main purpose of the article is to study the main qualities of the use of distance technologies in rural education in the context of COVID-19 in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching. Distance and blended learning technologies have become familiar to the rural education system during the years of the coronavirus pandemic. The State Service for the quality of teaching in different countries has also adapted the tools for conducting institutional audits to the conditions of remote work or partially remote work. Adaptation requires the organization of rural educational activities so that institutions continue to work efficiently and effectively both in full-time and online learning. All components of the system of the educational process of rural education should also be changed, including finding new ways to assess the quality of teaching.

Keywords: pedagogy, quality of teaching, rural education, coronavirus pandemic, distance education.


El uso de tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el marco del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza

RESUMEN. El artículo tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las principales cualidades del uso de las tecnologías a distancia en la educación rural en el contexto del COVID-19 en el contexto del desarrollo de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad de la enseñanza. Las tecnologías de aprendizaje a distancia y combinado se han vuelto familiares para el sistema educativo rural durante los años de la pandemia de coronavirus. El Servicio Estatal para la Calidad de la Docencia en diferentes países también ha adaptado las herramientas para realizar auditorías institucionales a las condiciones del trabajo a distancia o parcialmente a distancia. La adaptación requiere la organización de actividades educativas rurales para que las instituciones continúen trabajando de manera eficiente y efectiva tanto en el aprendizaje a tiempo completo como en línea. Todos los componentes del sistema del proceso educativo de la educación rural también deben cambiarse, incluso encontrar nuevas formas de evaluar la calidad de la enseñanza.

Palabras clave: pedagogía, calidad de la enseñanza, educación rural, pandemia de coronavirus, educación a distancia.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Sadova, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Head of the Department of Pedagogic and Methods of Primary Education. Interes Scientific interests: Pedagogy, Quality of Teaching, Rural Education, Coronavirus Pandemic, Distance Education.

Oleksandr Balanutsa, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the State of Kuwait

Ambassador  Extraordinary  and  Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the State of Kuwait, Ukraine. Interes Scientific interests: Pedagogy, Quality of Teaching, Rural Education, Coronavirus Pandemic, Distance Education.

Iryna Vialkova, Mariupol State University, Ukraine

PhD in Social Communication, Docent of the Department of Social Communications.  Interes Scientific interests: Pedagogy, Quality of Teaching, Rural Education, Coronavirus Pandemic, Distance Education.

Oksana Voroshchuk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work. Interes Scientific interests: Pedagogy, Quality of Teaching, Rural Education, Coronavirus Pandemic, Distance Education.

Halyna Lemko, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Рrofessor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work. Interes Scientific interests: Pedagogy, Quality of Teaching, Rural Education, Coronavirus Pandemic, Distance Education.


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How to Cite

Sadova, I., Balanutsa, O., Vialkova, I., Voroshchuk, O., & Lemko, H. (2022). The use of distance technologies in Rural Education in the context of the development of a system for assessing the quality of teaching. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 7, e14239.