Fictional narratives - pedagogical, aesthetic and literary potentials for the student's formation in the school space


  • Elivaldo Serrão Custódio Universidade Federal do Amapá - UNIFAP
  • Rubelina Silva dos Santos Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Afuá - Amapá



ABSTRACT. The present work aims to develop strategies to stimulate reading with actions that involve fictional narratives in a dynamic, pleasant and fun way with students of the final years of Elementary School of the Faith in God School located in the Baiano River, Afuá municipality in the state of Pará. For this, we used bibliographic research and action research with a qualitative/quantitative approach, the second one being developed from the diagnosis through a questionnaire applied with the students. The results demonstrate that it is possible to stimulate taste and pleasure by reading from fictional narratives and that the use of spaces beyond the classroom can make reading more fun and that the role of the teacher is fundamental in this process. Thus, we believe that works of this nature are important for the teaching and learning process in a dynamic way and also because it allows the educator moments of reflection about the teaching practice in schools located in the rural area.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Elivaldo Serrão Custódio, Universidade Federal do Amapá - UNIFAP

Pós-Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Amapá (UNIFAP). Atualmente é professor permanente no Mestrado em Educação (PPGED/UNIFAP), Macapá/AP. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Educação, Interculturalidade e Relações Étnico-Raciais (UNIFAP/CNPq).

Rubelina Silva dos Santos, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Afuá - Amapá

Professora da rede pública de ensino do município de Afuá/Pará/Brasil. Graduada em Letras pela Universidade Vale do Acaraú (2011). Mestra em Ciências da Educação pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação da Anne Sullivan University, Reino Unido.


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Oliveira, M. M. (2008). Como fazer pesquisa qualitativa. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes.

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Comment citer

Custódio, E. S., & Santos, R. S. dos. (2019). Fictional narratives - pedagogical, aesthetic and literary potentials for the student’s formation in the school space. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 4, e5813.