Review: Carvalho, L. F. O., & Ferreira, M. J. L. (2020). Educational practices in rural schools and other educational spaces in rural areas. Salvador: JM Gráfica e Editora Ltda.




ABSTRACT. The materiality of educational practices in the field is supported by the collective interest, which tends to represent the peasant subjects. The knowledge acquired in school and non-school environments in the context of rural education contributes to/to the development of subjects from the perspective of human values, returning to the consciousness of struggle, resistance and recognition of collective partner rights, which covers the population of the countryside and is established in line with the needs of the environment, mobilizing educational practices value in different territories of the countryside. Rural education aims at the appropriation of knowledge, historically produced by humanity and which represents a strengthening basis of the organizational processors of social classes.


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João Santos da Silva Júnior, Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB

Professor da educação básica, formado em pedagogia e em matemática, pós-graduado em ensino da matemática e docencia no ensino superior. aluno de matricula especial da UNEB/MPED na disciplina educação do campo.


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Carvalho, L. F. O., & Ferreira, M. J. L. (2020). Espaços educativos nas escolas do campo e em outros espaços educativos dos territórios rurais. Salvador: JM Gráfica e Editora Ltda.

Molina, M. C. (2009). Cultivando princípios, conceitos e práticas. Presença Pedagógica, 15(88), 30-36.




Silva Júnior, J. S. da . (2021). Review: Carvalho, L. F. O., & Ferreira, M. J. L. (2020). Educational practices in rural schools and other educational spaces in rural areas. Salvador: JM Gráfica e Editora Ltda. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 6, e10774.