Peasant Education, Water and Forest Education and Popular Health Education in times of the Covid-19 pandemic                                          



ABSTRACT. Given the context of the pandemic that has ravaged the world, the text's object is the relationship between Peasant Education and Popular Health Education in the face of resistance practices in confronting Covid-19, considering the denialist and negligent stance of Brazilian State government officials, especially in the most serious moments of the disease. In this sense, the central objective of the study was to reflect on the consequences of the pandemic on Peasant Education, as well as Water and Forest Education, and on coping actions based on Popular Health Education. Methodologically, the article is based on bibliographic and documentary studies, in addition to a brief statement from an indigenous leader. The analyses indicate that the State has failed to implement public policies and that there are still limits in the implementation of the National Policy for Comprehensive Health of Populations in the Countryside, Forests and Waters; there is also a need to expand scientific production on Peasant Education and Popular Education in Health. In conclusion, we observe the importance of the resistance of Countryside, Waters and Forests people and the recognition of popular knowledge in dialogue with scientific knowledge.


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Maria Isabel Farias , Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR


Adalberto Penha de Paula, Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR


Solange Todero Von Onçay , Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS



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Farias , M. I., Penha de Paula, A., & Todero Von Onçay , S. (2024). Peasant Education, Water and Forest Education and Popular Health Education in times of the Covid-19 pandemic                                          . Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 9, e18855. Abgerufen von

