The meaning of the Pedagogical Political Project in the construction of participatory actions and relationships in rural education




ABSTRACT. We analyze in this article the understanding that six teachers of a rural school expresses about the meaning of the Pedagogical Political Project as an instrument for the construction of participatory actions and relations, therefore, democratic. This article is the result of a bibliographical and investigative study that focuses on the meaning of the Pedagogical Political Project as a founding instrument in the construction of the democratization of school management. Thus, the objective was to analyze teachers' understanding of the meaning of the Political Pedagogical Project in order to contemplate or not the two basic principles of democratic management: autonomy and participation. In this sense, the public school has the challenge of responding to the demands that the contexts place on it, in the perspective of building a more egalitarian society, in which the subjects can participate as actors and not only as spectators or subjects of validation of the decisions previously taken by the Team of the school.


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