The work as educational principle in the MST: a case study Padre Réus Settlement




ABSTRACT. The research carried out at the Padre Réus settlement in the municipality of Encruzilhada do Sul, in the Rio Grande do Sul, presents the problem of work as an educational principle, through the reconstitution of the trajectory of 37 families settled in their urban area of ​​Sapiranga, where worked in the footwear industry, up to the land won in agrarian reform through its process of social struggle. In this trajectory, "camp time" was presented, as a moment of preparation for work, where peasant work, land cultivation and food production are valued. The methodology of the research was based on six interviews with the workers who narrated their individual and collective experiences; the text was constructed through the analysis of the collected material, with the technique of content analysis. It can be concluded that "work" was central to the mobilization of these families to the countryside, and that "work" in the lot has been an educational principle for these families, particularly from the choices they make in the production process.


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Lopes, B. S., & Moretti, C. Z. (2017). The work as educational principle in the MST: a case study Padre Réus Settlement. Brazilian Journal of Rural Education, 2(2), 708–727.


